The Cooking Bites Time Machine

Oh, and JFK made President Trump look like a schoolboy when it comes to certain unmentionable things. (infidelity, dirty business dealings, back channels to Russia, etc.)

This is an interesting topic as it's scratching the surface of the ideas behind fate, destiny, and (I hate to say it this way) the lack thereof.
Of course, there are one or two events that I attended at the time, but would like to see again, only this time in a less wrecked state...
Good idea BUT still a problem - for example the 'super glues' developed for battlefield wounds would not have been developed or anything based on them since. Further to totaly change the political history of a country [both the USA AND Vietnam - who are now beginning to take great strides forward]. It's just such a huge complicated minefield of 'if's and 'buts'. Better just to observe. A single shout and the Titanic never sank - the world's financial strata are changed forever as a large slice of the business elite and very wealthy survive - then what - good bad ??? Interaction is just too dangerous
Oh, I know that, but it's fun to think about. In addition to the example @CraigC gave, there are many excellent looks at the hazards of tampering with history, like "12 Monkeys" (the movie, and the equally excellent TV series). For those who don't know, that's a story about attempts in the future to change the past, where a pandemic wiped out most of humanity. Something good might result from the changes, but then the chain reaction results in something even worse.
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Going back all the way to 1888 and find out who Jack The Ripper is.. If it's possible
I would love going back in time and solve all those unsolved mystery
With the forensics we have now I think that might have been easily solved - but then, presumably if you went back in time you wouldn't have the forensics! :laugh:
With the forensics we have now I think that might have been easily solved - but then, presumably if you went back in time you wouldn't have the forensics! :laugh:
There's a theory that Jack the Ripper was actually a man named H.H. Holmes, an American who traveled to London. It is fully established that Holmes was probably the most prolific serial killer in history, with as many as 200 kills that could be connected to him. There was a TV series (American Ripper - 2017) where his great-great grandson globe trots with a former CIA agent to investigate a connection to Jack the Ripper. They connected a lot of dots, but didn't find conclusive proof that they were the same person.
I think being able to see a real live dinosaur up close and personal would be pretty amazing.
Like I said - pretty risky though :eek:
Just to answer a question of my own go and see which Marconi invented first radio transmitter or receiver - I mean if no- one else was broadcasting how did he know his receiver worked ? and without a receiver how did he know his transmitter worked ? :o_o:
With the forensics we have now I think that might have been easily solved - but then, presumably if you went back in time you wouldn't have the forensics! :laugh:

Well if I went back in time, I will just have to wait in the exact location where the murder happened, I won't prevent it so it won't change history.

There's a theory that Jack the Ripper was actually a man named H.H. Holmes, an American who traveled to London. It is fully established that Holmes was probably the most prolific serial killer in history, with as many as 200 kills that could be connected to him. There was a TV series (American Ripper - 2017) where his great-great grandson globe trots with a former CIA agent to investigate a connection to Jack the Ripper. They connected a lot of dots, but didn't find conclusive proof that they were the same person.

Well, buzzfeed make a youtube series in unsolved crime and they had a very interesting theory on who might be the number one suspect. And I have to say it looked convincing. The possible suspect is Joseph Barnett, a guy who lived with the final victim. They got into a big fight and got violent and Barnett moved out. 10 days later the victim body was found in the apartment without any sign of force entry and the victim got killed in her sleep.. Well I won't get out of topic, you can check it in here

I'm more interested in the grandfather theory.. You know, what will happen if we went back in time and kill our grandparents? Does it mean that we won't be born? then if we weren't born, who will get into the time machine and kill our grandparents?
I'm more interested in the grandfather theory.. You know, what will happen if we went back in time and kill our grandparents? Does it mean that we won't be born? then if we weren't born, who will get into the time machine and kill our grandparents?
A time paradox - brings up the question of multiple timelines ie everything that could happen has happened in one reality or another. Best to stick with the 'observe only' rule :scratchhead:
Of course, the ideal thing for time travel would be to pop back to a time of an unexpected sporting success and nip to the nearest bookie's shop to place a bet. Something like Foinavon winning the Grand National at 100-1 in 1967 or Leicester City winning the Premier League from 500-1 a couple of years ago. Stick a few thousand on and collect your winnings.
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