The Stress Diet


18 Dec 2014
Local time
5:34 PM
Phoenix, Arizona
Yes, I think this is an extremely effective diet that is for sure. Right now I am under extreme stress over family issues. I have to admit it has my stomach all in knots, so I don't want to eat. I have to force myself to eat right now, and when I do I don't eat that much.

The only problem with the stress diet is just that stress. This isn't a good diet for those like myself who have existing health issues. I have acid reflux and one of the main triggers of my attacks is guess what stress. I also have issues with my blood pressure on occasion, and no doubt this isn't helping one bit. Also, don't ask about sleep habits.

So, even though the stress diet can effectively help someone lose weight its not exactly a diet I would recommend. It can do in a person's over all health. I just wish things will get better in my home so I can stop being on this diet.
It is the same in this household and I see it in my husband, only for him the diet is one that causes him to put weight on with stress, it causes his alopecia to flare up and I know that the weight he had gained his causing him sleep issues because he has a snoring problem made worse by excess fat around his throat. Sadly I know these issues are not going to go away anytime some because we know the cause - me, or more accurately my health. I ruptured a disk in my spine in November. Within 10 days on the MRI I had been operated on and we are both expecting me to need another operation yet. Also it is too soon yet to know if I will walk again without crutches having lost a lot of the use of my right leg.

Is the cause of your stress known? Are you able to do anything about it? I assume you are taking something like omezaprole for the acid reflux? That is what my dr had me on for mine which agrivates my asthma and makes my tracheamalacia much worse. I also have hypertension, but a very low salt diet and one normally full of exercise has that under control.
What have you been doing diet wise to help you deal with stress? I know that eating more vegetables can make a big difference because they are so full of nutrients.
Would you be able to manage some nutritional drinks like protein shakes, for example? I find stress affects my appetite too, but not getting the right amount of nutrients makes me feel even worse. Are you getting any help with your stress levels at all?
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