Time difference

I have a question for you: Which is furthest west, Los Angeles, California or Reno, Nevada?

We have a proposal before the state legislature whether or not to do away with switching back and forth from standard time to daylight savings time. The proposal is to just stay on daylight savings. When we switch back to standard time, it gets dark at 5 PM in the winter. Nevada has always followed California's time changes so that we don't conflict time-wise with the largest infux of tourists which is from California. Now I guess we don't care anymore. If they want to come to Las Vegas, they'll come no matter what time it is.
If my geography is correct, 30+ years since I was at school.

Forgot the answer, which I've just checked, and it is Reno.
Somethings I can remember from school. Having relatives there helps as well though.
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I have a question for you: Which is furthest west, Los Angeles, California or Reno, Nevada?

We have a proposal before the state legislature whether or not to do away with switching back and forth from standard time to daylight savings time. The proposal is to just stay on daylight savings. When we switch back to standard time, it gets dark at 5 PM in the winter. Nevada has always followed California's time changes so that we don't conflict time-wise with the largest infux of tourists which is from California. Now I guess we don't care anymore. If they want to come to Las Vegas, they'll come no matter what time it is.

Being geographically challenged, I can't answer unless I look things up on Google And I'm no going to do that, am I, because I really need to be sensible and go to bed. :sleep:
I'd prefer it if we didn't switch back and forth here. I get really upset, in particular when the clocks go forward in Autumn and its suddenly dark at 4pm. :cry:
Being geographically challenged, I can't answer unless I look things up on Google And I'm no going to do that, am I, because I really need to be sensible and go to bed. :sleep:
I'd prefer it if we didn't switch back and forth here. I get really upset, in particular when the clocks go forward in Autumn and its suddenly dark at 4pm. :cry:
Longest day today as well. They get shorter from now on.
With us it's Spring forward, Fall back. I hate it in Spring when the clocks move forward and I lose an hour of sleep. I'm grouchy for at least a week. I love it when we Fall back. It delights me to get an extra hour of sleep. Extra sleep is always glorious.
With us it's Spring forward, Fall back. I hate it in Spring when the clocks move forward and I lose an hour of sleep. I'm grouchy for at least a week. I love it when we Fall back. It delights me to get an extra hour of sleep. Extra sleep is always glorious.
Sorry. I was in error. Its the same here. So in Fall (Autumn) the clocks go back, as you say. Suddenly the darkness that comes at 5pm comes at 4pm.
Since no one is guessing, it's Reno, Nevada. If one were to look at a map of the US and use a ruler to draw a straight line between Reno and LA, one would see that Reno is further west. Doesn't stop it from snowing there though.
Sorry. I was in error. Its the same here. So in Fall (Autumn) the clocks go back, as you say. Suddenly the darkness that comes at 5pm comes at 4pm.
I would like that. Of course I work nights, so it really doesn't matter much, but when it gets dark earlier, the time seems to go more slowly for some reason. "What! It's only 5 PM? I have time for another cocktail before I have to cook dinner!"
It is true that there are no clocks in the casinos. But don't most people either wear watches or have phones that tell them the time? The casinos want one to lose track of time. As is stated in the movie Casino: The longer you play, the more you lose.
It is true that there are no clocks in the casinos. But don't most people either wear watches or have phones that tell them the time? The casinos want one to lose track of time. As is stated in the movie Casino: The longer you play, the more you lose.
Don't the token slips printed out by some machines still give the time on them though?
Who looks at those? When one cashes out, one is looking at the amount, not the time.
Who looks at those? When one cashes out, one is looking at the amount, not the time.
Don't the cashiers?
Relative had a spate of fake ones being passed, so started printing the time in hours, minutes & seconds, to try to combat it.
The cashiers don't have to check the time, the system does it for them. When I worked at a casino downtown (terrible place, stick to the strip) a cashier left a pile of tickets on the counter and it was stolen. Of course they had already been cashed out, so the computer system notified the cashier immediately, but a few were live. The tickets must be cashed out within a certain period of time, but the cashiers don't need to be all that vigilant. The system will reject any ticket past the expiration date.
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