Today’s pics

Won't bore you with many pics, just 3 from today.
I do think that yes you look absolutely lovely but I have seen the pics you post of when you're unwell and I think you also look lovely then too!

Medical folk and I'm sure medtran49 can back this up can become very tuned into when someone "looks well" particularly if they know the patient over a period of time and it has lot more to it than the immediate appearance.

It's a weird thing to become accustomed to but you clock where someone is on this unspoken scale and you can see if they are going up or down in health. I suppose it comes from the constant question from everyone, are they getting better or worse? Is this treatment working? What else could we do?

Just for example it's on the up when someone holds themselves well, they are giving off more energy, their eyes are brighter, they move more easily and there's just more life about them in general.
Conversely when someones ill their posture changes, their energy levels dip, their speech often slows, facial expression change to neutral and their eyes dull.
Someone can fake being well quite easily but most of the time they don't bother in front of Doctors. Plus they can't keep it up for long.

So if the Dr thinks you're looking better I'd say thats a pretty decent WIN ❤️
Yes, and I can see what you wrote applies here. I have noticed that I have felt more confident, more solid in my identity the past year than I have for a long time. I seem to have grown in a positive way where my mental health is concerned. I'm starting my therapy for PTSD soon but I am definitely doing it from the best place I can possibly be. And after that, things can only get better so it's likely going to be a massive improvement overall.
Our bantam is also laying so that's at least 6 chooks laying now.


They may look small but I put 12 into an egg cartoon and weighed them and I get to the same weight they do (700g) using only 11 eggs, not the 12 they need and they call those eggs extra large!
We had a new visitor or pair of visitors to our garden today. They're surprisingly tame. The rest of the wild birds fly off when you go out to look at them. My OH went out 2 or 3 times and they stayed put. They're King Parrots. We had a single juvenile visit once last autumn. It will be interesting to see if they stay.

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