Trip to Colarado


Legendary Member
14 Aug 2017
Local time
5:17 PM
Lafayette, LA. US
#1 Brother (2 years younger than me) had major back surgery 11/14. His wife has to be away for a business trip next week. I am going to Colorado to visit with and care for my little brother while she is gone. I leave Saturday 1/06. I do not own clothes for that kind of cold. I spoke to baby sister this am. She has gloves, hats and scarves that I can borrow. Brother's wife has warm coats that I can use. I need a pair of boots and a vest. Hard to find. The freakishly cold weather has stripped the stores of winter clothing and foot wear.
I may be out of touch. I am not bringing my lap top - just my phone. So - infrequent visits.

Brother has been away from Louisiana for most of his life. I am bringing food with me. Things he can not get in Colorado. Andouille, fresh pork sausage, Tasso, file powder - to make a gumbo. Crawfish tails and shrimp. A de-boned spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken, boudin.

I will try to stay in touch. I will miss you all.
#1 Brother (2 years younger than me) had major back surgery 11/14. His wife has to be away for a business trip next week. I am going to Colorado to visit with and care for my little brother while she is gone. I leave Saturday 1/06. I do not own clothes for that kind of cold. I spoke to baby sister this am. She has gloves, hats and scarves that I can borrow. Brother's wife has warm coats that I can use. I need a pair of boots and a vest. Hard to find. The freakishly cold weather has stripped the stores of winter clothing and foot wear.
I may be out of touch. I am not bringing my lap top - just my phone. So - infrequent visits.

Brother has been away from Louisiana for most of his life. I am bringing food with me. Things he can not get in Colorado. Andouille, fresh pork sausage, Tasso, file powder - to make a gumbo. Crawfish tails and shrimp. A de-boned spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken, boudin.

I will try to stay in touch. I will miss you all.

Love it, a "Cajun Care Package"!:hungry:

All my very best and safe travels ..

Layer your sweaters and get some "thermal jerseys and leggings" or leggings with a fleece lining ..

One can surely find these in a Chinese Store ..

Sorry to hear about your brother´s surgery .. Hope he is on road to recovery ..
Thank you all for your kind words. I am a believer of layering. I have 2 sets of silk long johns - very light weight but warm. I am not bringing more than 3 changes of clothing. Washer and dryer available. I have 3 sweaters with long sleeve tees to wear under. I bought a pair of Timberland boots today. I have 2 pairs of wool socks - need a couple more. With the hats, scarves and gloves borrowed from baby Sis and the heavy coats that SIL has I will be set. I will venture out tomorrow and try to find a warm vest.

It has been two years since I have seen my Brother and SIL I miss them both very much. SIL is a brilliant woman. She has 2 PHD's, and many specialized certification. She worked as a research scientist for many years. She was instrumental in the research for using pig valves for human transplant. She developed and has a patent for a blood filter to treat and prevent Hepatitis. She is now a senior VP for a pharmaceutical company.

My brother is a lovely man. He should have been a teacher. He is one of those people who are by nature inspirational. He makes his living trading on the stock market. Ten + years ago he lost a :LOT of money. He took a step back and evaluated his strategies.. He devised a system and compiled a tutorial for traders. He has not lost a dime since then. His hobby and side business is knife making. He does not make culinary knives. He makes utility and hunting knives. He has a small, loyal and growing clientele.

I am so looking forward to my visit. I will not be there for sight seeing. Good thing. My southern blood is too thin for deep winter, Colorado cold. I will try to stay in touch..

#1 Brother (2 years younger than me) had major back surgery 11/14. His wife has to be away for a business trip next week. I am going to Colorado to visit with and care for my little brother while she is gone. I leave Saturday 1/06. I do not own clothes for that kind of cold. I spoke to baby sister this am. She has gloves, hats and scarves that I can borrow. Brother's wife has warm coats that I can use. I need a pair of boots and a vest. Hard to find. The freakishly cold weather has stripped the stores of winter clothing and foot wear.
I may be out of touch. I am not bringing my lap top - just my phone. So - infrequent visits.

Brother has been away from Louisiana for most of his life. I am bringing food with me. Things he can not get in Colorado. Andouille, fresh pork sausage, Tasso, file powder - to make a gumbo. Crawfish tails and shrimp. A de-boned spinach and artichoke stuffed chicken, boudin.

I will try to stay in touch. I will miss you all.

Best Wishes to your Brother @ElizabethB
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