Unique Bruschetta recipes


24 Oct 2015
Local time
2:57 AM
Hey guys. I am planning to host a small holiday party for my friends and looking to serve some bruschetta for appetizers.

Can you recommend unique but easy to make versions of this?

How about white beans (cannellini beans)? Mix together roughly chopped garlic, beans, lemon juice and olive oil and puree in a food processor until creamy and smooth. Spread on the toast and add a few green leaves (basil or chopped tarragon or parsley). If your budget can stretch to it, invest in a bottle or can of truffle oil. You won't regret it! It lasts ages as you only need a few tiny drops at a time. A few drops on top of the bean puree and herbs will transform the bruschetta into a gourmet delight. If you can't afford truffle oil, use a few drops of walnut oil or sesame oil.

You could also make the above using black beans. That would look stunning, contrasting with the white beans. I'd add a few snips of sun-dried tomatoes, as well as the herbs ,for a dramatic effect.
Crush some defrosted frozen peas in a food processor add a little chill ,spoon on croute grate on pecorino cheese ,pop in the oven and finish under the grill ,simple ,different and tasty
Crush some defrosted frozen peas in a food processor add a little chill ,spoon on croute grate on pecorino cheese ,pop in the oven and finish under the grill ,simple ,different and tasty
You must be a mind-reader. I was thinking, what would could complement black bean and white bean toppings? It has to be green! Would pureed peas work....? You got there first!
My favorite is Garlic Mushroom Bruschetta. It is so tasty and so easy to make. All you need to do is to saute Mushrooms and 2 cloves on garlic in olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and pepper and serve on toasted pieces of ciabatta loaves. It is so good! :)
I did a garlic and tarragon portobello mushroom on pane pugliese with a poached quails egg and mustard glaze on Last Friday night makes a different take on a bruschetta
Have you tried doing an olive tapenade from scratch? It's not exactly bruschetta, but it really does remind me of it. It's a different take on a mix of all sorts of goodness.
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