Used Peanuts

I'm roasting them, then make them into flour.
That's about as far as I got to.

The idea is to spice up the flour and use/sell as instant satay sauce.
Or to use in cooking and baking. Maybe even dog treats.
It's still very open as it's all very new to me.
Quite a learning curve
Those are all good ideas! I wonder how that would work adding to bread flour to increase the protein. Maybe get more rise and more chewy?

The satay sauce sounds good as well. I'm going to have to make some of that but I'll be starting off with peanut butter.
Those are all good ideas! I wonder how that would work adding to bread flour to increase the protein. Maybe get more rise and more chewy?

The satay sauce sounds good as well. I'm going to have to make some of that but I'll be starting off with peanut butter.
Shout if you want some pointers
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