Recipe Vampire Killer Martini


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
8:29 PM
Ohio, US
Vampire Killer Martini
Makes 8 cocktails

1 serrano pepper, seeded and quartered
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 lemon zest strip (2 inches)
1-1/2 cups vodka
Ice, for shaker
Pickled baby beets, for garnish

Put the pepper, garlic, lemon strip, and vodka in a glass container with a lid on. Give it a little swish and set it aside, room temp, for 1 week.

For each cocktail, fill a small shaker with ice, add 1-1/2 ounces of vodka mixture, and shake until too cold to hold, about 30 seconds or so. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with a pickled baby beet.

Begone, Count Dracula!

Recipe based on one at

The CookingBites recipe challenge: garlic

Vampire Killer Martini
Makes 8 cocktails

1 serrano pepper, seeded and quartered
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 lemon zest strip (2 inches)
1-1/2 cups vodka
Ice, for shaker
Pickled baby beets, for garnish

Put the pepper, garlic, lemon strip, and vodka in a glass container with a lid on. Give it a little swish and set it aside, room temp, for 1 week.

For each cocktail, fill a small shaker with ice, add 1-1/2 ounces of vodka mixture, and shake until too cold to hold, about 30 seconds or so. Strain into a martini glass and garnish with a pickled baby beet.

Begone, Count Dracula!

Recipe based on one at

I think that would be good with a dash of tomato juice and a grape tomato for a garnish...not a big beet fan, although it does give it a perfect color!
The colour - is it from the serrano pepper?
The pepper was green (though we do have red ones as well) - the color was from the beet.

I was a little disappointed that it colored the whole drink. The pic in the source recipe has beautiful streaks of purplish-red in the clear liquor, but I’m sure they went to more effort than I did.
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