
Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
2:41 PM
SE Australia
I was utterly convinced I had written this up at least 7 years ago, so before I moved out to Australia and before my back gave up, but I can't for the life of me locate the recipe. The crust can really be made up of any mixed nuts. So...
You'll need a 9" Spring form tin. It's entirely up to you if you line it, but I do.
The recipe is based on are from a vegan raw site (Novveauraw) I used to use until she decided to start charging for her content. I've made it a few time since slowly changing it over time. The first change I made the very first time I made it, that was to double the base quantities. Since then, I've changed a few other options as well.

It is possible to make a non-raw vegan white chocolate & raspberry (or strawberry) version of this if you can get your hands on vegan white chocolate which does now exist.

You can substitute cacao for cocoa but you will have a different end taste.
Cacao powder is made from fermented beans that have not been roasted. The result is a powder that's bitter in taste and higher in nutritional content.
Cocoa powder on the other hand is made from beans that are both fermented and roasted, and then processed at a much higher temperature.

Ingredients - Base
150g mixed brazil nuts & Almond nuts & other hard nuts (not cashews)
100g shredded/desiccated coconut
¼ tsp sea salt
2 tbsp cacao powder
4 tbsp agave nectar, maple syrup (or honey if you're not vegan)
2 tsp vanilla extract/essence

Ingredients - Filling 1
300g soaked cashew nuts
90-100g maple syrup
125ml water
25g coconut butter, melted
25g cacao butter, melted
1 tsp coffee extract or powder
1 tsp Vanilla extract
¼ tsp sea salt
100g cacao powder
300g fresh or frozen berries of choice + extra to decorate

Ingredients - Filling 2
300g soaked cashew nuts
90-100g maple syrup, agave nectar (or honey if not vegan)
125ml water
1 tsp Vanilla extract
¼ tsp sea salt
2, 3 or 4 bars of very decent (vegan) dark chocolate, (it all depends on how decadent you want to be!)
300g fresh berries of choice + extra to decorate

Method - Base
  1. Blitz the nuts, dessicated coconut, salt, cacao powder, and vanilla extract in a food processor until fine crumbs
  2. Add just enough of the agave/maple syrup/honey for the mixture to start to stick together/form clumps.
  3. Taste the base and make sure it has enough sweetness or salt for your liking.
  4. Now press crust into the spring form tin ensuring an even distribution & thickness. You may not need all of the base, so if you feel it is thick enough for your liking stop, but I do advise to go a little thicker than you think is needed.
  5. Now set aside
Method - Filling 1
first an explanation: You can follow either filling. If you want the raw version then Filling 1 with agave nectar is your only option, but if like me, you simply can't have dairy products, you can go with either, but not both, that would simply be too much chocolate, honest.
  1. Start by arranging the fresh berries over the base.
  2. Blend the cashew nuts, water, maple syrup, coconut butter, cacao butter, coffee & vanilla extract & sea salt until a totally smooth silky paste. It should not be gritty in the slightest.
  3. Add the cacao powder and blend again briefly so thorough mixed in.
  4. Pour the filling over the base and place in the fridge overnight to set.
  5. Arrange the remaining berries reserved for decoration over the top & sprinkle with a berry coulis or if not following a raw diet, some melted dark (vegan) chocolate.
Method - Filling 2
This one is actually a bit easier.
  1. Start by arranging the fresh berries over the base.
  2. Blend the cashew nuts, water, maple syrup, vanilla extract & sea salt until totally, silky smooth.
  3. Whilst this is happening, get the dark chocolate bars broken & melted.
  4. Mix the melted chocolate into the cashew nut mixture thoroughly and taste (you've got to, right?) 😋
  5. Now pour over the berries on the base, and set aside in the fridge to set.
  6. Just before serving, arrange the remaining berries reserved for decoration over the top & sprinkle with a berry coulis or some more melted dark (vegan) chocolate.

Finally go and run a marathon or climb a mountain range or two, to burn off some of those calories and earn that second slice!

I can't post to the original images due copyright issues but I'll try to locate the photos of the versions I have made. Else I'll have to make another.
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