Vegetarians & Vegans: What soap/shampoo/conditioners do you use?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
11:54 AM
SE Australia
A lot of people are unaware that soap/shampoo/conditioners and washing powder is often not vegetarian let alone vegan and I was wondering if any of the others here actually buy "different" soaps/shampoo etc as a really of their diet? Is it a lifestyle to you as well?

I know my soap is not even vegetarian :(, which is sad because I'm allergic to perfumed soap and need unscented soap, so this is something I need to work on. Whilst I was in Greece we used to buy a wonderful olive oil based soap, I think that could be something I should look at. My soap, like most soap is derived from tallow, which is animal fat. :mad:

But both my shampoo and conditioner are vegan. Both are by Lush and use completely plant based oils to make the soap. :thumbsup: The shampoo is not cheap but I find a £15 block lasts me around 6 months, so that is long enough for me to have forgotten about how much it costs, and I know my husband uses it from time to time as well. :rolleyes:

I will have to look into my washing powder and washing up liquid...

The PETA website lists some alternatives for soaps.
I'm not sure if my shampoo is vegan or not, but it's called "yes to carrots".

I never paid attention to things like that until one of my friends pointed out ingredients in beauty products and said how they were bad. She "approved" of certain body lotions, and I tried some of them. After using her choices and going back to the regular stuff I used, I could completely tell the difference. She was right, her lotions really did absorb better, and the regular stuff would feel heavy, greasy and plastic like.

I fell upon this "yes to carrots" shampoo only because it was on sale, and again I am completely converted, there is such a difference in the way it rinses out completely and does not leave a residue or change my hair color.

I can't say it's part of my lifestyle though. Even though I know these products are better, I haven't converted all products over, mainly because it is so much more expensive than regular stuff.
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