(Formerly Shermie)
I was!
The most recent one where I was a moderator went off the Web last week! I'm pissed because I was a loyal member of that forum for 7 years!! It was changed from its old format to a so-called new & better one, but ever since then, things never worked right, and now, it completely gone!!
The admin should have kept the old format! It worked so much better than that so-called new & improved one!! Which has always been my theory; if it isn't broken, then don't fix it!!

The most recent one where I was a moderator went off the Web last week! I'm pissed because I was a loyal member of that forum for 7 years!! It was changed from its old format to a so-called new & better one, but ever since then, things never worked right, and now, it completely gone!!
The admin should have kept the old format! It worked so much better than that so-called new & improved one!! Which has always been my theory; if it isn't broken, then don't fix it!!

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