What Country are you from/in?


15 Feb 2014
Local time
11:08 PM
Hey guys, one thing I've realised about food is that every country has unique cuisines and names for certain foods and dishes, so where you guys from? I am in Johannesburg - South-Africa. I sometimes forget that not everyone in the world speaks english the way we do so I figured I'd list some of the terms here, feel free to do the same for your countries terms!

Braai means Barbecue (not the flavour, only the act of making food on a fire, a braai is a special thing in RSA)
Wors means Sausage
Potjiekos is basically a traditional stew made in a cast iron pot.
Afval is Tripe or offcuts of meat made however (eg. we are having afval tonight)
Dop basically means having an alcoholic drink (eg. let's have a dop)
Lekker means tasty or enjoyable (eg. that chop was lekker or we had a lekker time)

Just a few, I'll post more as I think of them.
If you click on your username on the top right, and select "Personal Details", then scroll down the page, there is a field called "Location" where you can enter your country to help make life easier...

I frequently come across UK/USA versions of things because of the recipe books I use.
US to UK
Fava beans = broad beans
Great Northern Beans = Butter beans
Lima Beans = look like broad beans to me
Fries = Chips
Chips = Crisp
Cookies = Biscuits

We also have a number of regional words that all mean 'bread roll' of some kind. Bap, stottie, barn cake and muffin are just a few of them - all savoury bread rolls. Some are that regional that actually having a sane conversation with my husband can be a challenge and he grew up less than 50 miles away from one of my childhood homes. For him a bread roll is a muffin, for me it is a bap but neither of us call it a bread roll! :whistling:

And I forgot the really obvious one. I was brought up with "tatties" which are potatoes!
@SatNavSaysStraightOn Bread Rolls... you're brave bringing them up, they could be a sub-forum all of their own, Mrs SBIB (Oldham born and bred) gets very passionate on muffins, baps, bunnies, oven bottoms et al ;)
Leicester, in the Midlands of England. A cob is a male swan, round here it is also the name for bap.
I just remembered we also call corn 'mielies', so if you are going to eat a piece of corn then you are going to have a mielie.
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