What did you get?

We don't do prezzies between us (if we want/need something enough then we're lucky enough we can go out and buy it), but we do exchange gifts with parents and siblings.
This year we were the grateful recipients of:
- A cold smoker to use in the bbq - already tried it with salmon, chicken breast and halloumi - very easy to do and great results.
- A Growcyle mushroom kit - started it off a week ago and it looks like we'll be having mushrooms for dinner next week :D
- A gift pack of Port and Stilton - we'll enjoy the port, the Stilton is in one of those little pots so its not the best. We much prefer it in its proper form fresh from the dairy - luckily I grew up in Stilton-making country :okay: I'll make some Stilton and broccoli soup with it I think.
- High street gift vouchers which we used to buy a food slicer - I've been after one for years to thinly slice leftover joints and gammon hams. I need to do some sums whether its cheaper to buy and slice joints for sandwich meats or to just buy them pre-packed tho. Tried it out the other day....its not great, but considering the price it does a fine job.
There were a couple of individual gifts too - but the food ones are the most fun :porky:
Finally managed to find time...
I received the following for Christmas and birthday...

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A flatscreen (an LG IPS full Hd something or other Global_22_23MP48HQ_2016_Gallery_medium01.jpg )
A Logitech Bluetooth keyboard (wireless 3050)
An Microsoft wireless mouse (m570)
I guess the Ikea desk probably counts as well... (one of those workspaces father than a formal desk. wide and deep which will also take my sewing machine as well as the laptop, screen....) in using my wheelchair instead of a chair for the moment. it's more comfortable to sit in.
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