What Not To Do With Your Thanksgiving Turkey Bones


10 Dec 2014
Local time
5:09 PM
Georgia, USA
Gag gifts are big in my family. No. Not everyone gets one each year, but we all know to be leery of any packages we open.
My uncle, being by far the most wicked of gag gifters, one year saved the Thanksgiving turkey carcass in a neighbor's freezer then wrapped it up on Christmas Eve night for my aunt to open the following morning. Sometime before dawn there was a a lot of rustling followed by a crash in the den. Growling soon followed.
Everyone in the house was awake by this time and all were headed down the hall to see what had caused the commotion.
The tree was turned over. Mauled presents and torn paper were scattered. And their two dogs were fighting over the carcass. The dogs were thrown out of the house and my uncle quite nearly with them. It wasn't until the next Christmas that anyone thought it was funny.
Funny but to be fair not the dogs fault - should have just thrown the uncle out and given the dogs his dinner.
If it is the caucuss, take it, add some cold water to it in a pot to cover, thrown in a roughly cut onion, a bouqet guarne, celery & carrot to it and make some soup stock for soup or broth. :wink:
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