What to do with leftover bread?

21 Sep 2013
Local time
11:03 AM
Whenever I have dried up bread, I do the typical - meatballs/meatloaf. But I'm just wondering if anyone else has creative uses for leftover bread (not even necessarily dried up bread.) Definitely looking for ways in which it doesn't go to waste where I end up just throwing it out.
I cut them in small slices, put them in the oven and create crackers! I love putting some olive oil on them before baking, it tastes so good afterwards and gets crunchy and tanned. I love it. I love putting some tuna spread over it when it's done. It tastes delicious.
Add tomato sauce, ham/pepperoni/tuna and cheese. Stick in oven until the cheese gets a lovely golden colour. So basically use them as pizza dough. :D
I will often put it through the grinder or grate it into breadcrumbs and then freeze those breadcrumbs. I have loads of recipes that require breadcrumbs (such as gratins) and simply use the frozen breadcrumbs as and when needed.
When we had leftover breads at home we make bread pudding and it always turns out to be a great snack and at the same time no waste of food.
I cut leftover bread into tiny cubes and then grill them to use them as croutons for salad and soups. Although then again, sometimes I just take them to a nearby lagoon where I sometimes go running and feed the ducks and geese. My dad used to take me to the same park to feed the birds when I was 4 years old and I guess I never grew out of it.
We so rarely have bread go bad in this house that it isn't something I've considered. I do very often have the stray hamburger or hot dog bun get lost in the bottom of the bread bin though, and usually toss it for mold.

In the spring and summer however, I try to keep a bag of old bread in the freezer for feeding ducks. A favorite pastime for my kids... you know.

I rather like the idea of making and freezing breadcrumbs though. Lord knows homemade is so much better than the store-bought stuff.
Bread salad might be a good idea. I've never tried it myself, but I've seen it prepared on TV a good number of times and it does look very good. If I recall correctly, the best one to use is probably a Greek recipe and it requires the use of olives and cherry tomatoes.
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