Forum GOD!
Hey tasty I mentioned here a few weeks ago about a story of natalia ??? A small girl that noone knew her age? We watched for 4 hrs then the next said watch the final story. 3 hrs later still no end.You ever invest time in a program, and you watch each episode, and you think, “The payoff’s coming! This is really gonna be good!” - and then you watch the final episode and it’s a big load of crap?
Well, that was Grotesquerie for us…we just wrapped up the first (and hopefully only) season of this stupid, stupid show. For those not aware (and count yourselves lucky if you’re not), the whole thing revolves around horrific murders that include some Catholic overtones, all taking place in a town/desert that get more and more surreal as each episode passes, ending with a dud that’s, well, a non-ending - yes, I get that’s a way to boost chances for a second run of episodes, but it’s tacky to me. Give your viewers some kind of resolution, please. You don’t have to wrap everything up, but something!
Also, this thing committed the cardinal sin of a TV show/movie, revealing that
- that’s the cheapest sort of storytelling.the first six episodes (out of 10 total) took place inside the mind of a coma patient - none of it was real
If you’ve not seen this and it’s on your list…run. Run like you’re one of the murder victims about to be done in in the most heinous way. Run like Usain Bolt with his ass on fire. Run like the Flash on amphetamines as far away from this turdiest of turds. Do not be sucked in. You have been warned.
We quit it. Thetes still ads saying watch the ending. F off.. I wasted enough time already.
I feel your pain tasty.