When you're in the kitchen and shouldn't be..


Recipe Challenge Judge
24 Mar 2023
Local time
5:22 AM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
Somedays the cooking gods decide you shouldn't be in the kitchen.
Things are not going to go your way.
The messages are clear, there's no joy in your heart and you've dropped/broken/messed up for the fifth sixth seventh time.
Do you listen and get out of the kitchen or do you persevere like the glutton for punishment you were raised to be?
So yes it's one of those days for me.
Here is the result.
I'm calling the dish quite simply 'Pink'
Goodness knows what (if anything) was going through my mind.
I wandered into the utility, grabbed whatever was in front of me and threw it in the slow cooker.
It's coconut milk, water chestnuts, a tin of 'lazy onions' chicken drumstick fillets and two packets of powder past their sell by date inspiringly called 'Flava It Chinese' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Yum yum can't wait 😬😝
For me, those days are almost always predicated on being rushed, which leads to me knocking things over, spilling things, mis-measuring, etc. I rarely have a bad kitchen day for no real reason.

In the case of being rushed, a couple of things will happen, I’ll probably cuss once or five times, I may even, on rare occasions, throw something across the room in anger, and MrsT will say, “Look, let’s just have sandwiches or go out,” which only makes matters worse, because then I have to stop and explain that, “No! I’ve already got this 🤬 stuff cut up and that 🤬 stuff in the 🤬 pot and if you think for one 🤬 minute I’m throwing all this 🤬 🤬 in the 🤬 garbage, well, think again, BECAUSE I’M 🤬 NOT!!! IT WILL 🤬 WORK IF I HAVE TO DUMP EVERY 🤬 THING I HAVE INTO THE 🤬 PAN AND CALL IT TASTY’S 🤬 🤬 SURPRISE AND YOU BETTER SAY IT’S THE BEST 🤬 THING YOU EVER 🤬 ATE!!!”

Then, 20 minutes later, we have sandwiches and canned soup.
For me, those days are almost always predicated on being rushed, which leads to me knocking things over, spilling things, mis-measuring, etc. I rarely have a bad kitchen day for no real reason.

In the case of being rushed, a couple of things will happen, I’ll probably cuss once or five times, I may even, on rare occasions, throw something across the room in anger, and MrsT will say, “Look, let’s just have sandwiches or go out,” which only makes matters worse, because then I have to stop and explain that, “No! I’ve already got this 🤬 stuff cut up and that 🤬 stuff in the 🤬 pot and if you think for one 🤬 minute I’m throwing all this 🤬 🤬 in the 🤬 garbage, well, think again, BECAUSE I’M 🤬 NOT!!! IT WILL 🤬 WORK IF I HAVE TO DUMP EVERY 🤬 THING I HAVE INTO THE 🤬 PAN AND CALL IT TASTY’S 🤬 🤬 SURPRISE AND YOU BETTER SAY IT’S THE BEST 🤬 THING YOU EVER 🤬 ATE!!!”

Then, 20 minutes later, we have sandwiches and canned soup.

I feel your pain 😂
Yesterday I spilt milk all over the work surface that trickled into the cupboards, dropped a pint of water, crushed an egg in my hand whilst trying to carry too much, dropped the next egg directly on the floor, put a pinkie into a sizzling frying pan, picked up a hot tray without any oven gloves, coated the entire processor in an egg milk mixture and my favourite- went to kneel down to check the dishwasher blades and rolled onto my back like a dying fly 😂

Did I take the hint and leave the kitchen? Hell no I attacked the remaining tasks like a drugged up spider monkey.
Then left everyone to order Macdonalds 😆

I’m positive everyones busting to try a spoonful of ‘Pink’ later on ⚠️😁
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