Who is Expecting to Receive a Stimulus Relief Check This Year?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
3:41 PM
Brighton, MA.
The Biden Administration has authorized the US Gov't to issue out stimulus relief checks to those who are on limited or low income, earning $75,000 or less annually. I just received mine in the amount of $1,400. These payments are actually for those that have suffered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, having caused people to lose their jobs & other things,such as not being able to pay their rent & making ends meet.. Who else has received a check? I plan to use part of mine to go to Chicago this coming summer in June for a week.
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If you E-File your taxes and tax payment, the stimulus money goes straight into your bank account. I got my deposit about a month ago. I can now give it back when I file my 2020 tax return. :facepalm:

If you E-File your taxes and tax payment, the stimulus money goes straight into your bank account. I got my deposit about a month ago. I can now give it back when I file my 2020 tax return. :facepalm:

I e-file... and I got a physical paper check. Go figure.

I'm retired. I have decided my funds are going to go stimulate things locally that I might have hesitated to stimulate before this came into my hands. This won't include normal household expenditures, or poultry needs, no matter where purchased. We shall see what happens.
We got ours pretty quickly. For a couple filling jointly, I think it was $150K/year for the cutoff, but that was...what?...two or three months ago? I can't remember that far back! :laugh:

We did just get our taxes back for signature from the tax accountant, and I think he's messed them up...again. We've used him for years, but the last few years, he's slipped up here and there, and I think it's down to his age - so next year, new tax guy.
I plan to have a friend file mine electronically (E-file) soon. Because of covid-19, we have been given an extension to do them this year.
to those who are on limited or low income, earning $75,000 or less annually.

Interesting as that would be considered way above the average wage here, let alone a low or limited income. The average wage here (of those in full-time employment) is £38,600 which is approx. $53,550
Interesting as that would be considered way above the average wage here, let alone a low or limited income. The average wage here (of those in full-time employment) is £38,600 which is approx. $53,550
Yes that's pretty much what I was thinking too! Sounds pretty generous at first glance.

But I suppose you also need to consider medical insurance costs....I wonder what that $75k would be net of health insurance costs? I'm not including taxes etc. because we also have to pay those, but I have in the back of my head that you need to take health insurance into account when comparing US and UK salaries?
Interesting as that would be considered way above the average wage here, let alone a low or limited income. The average wage here (of those in full-time employment) is £38,600 which is approx. $53,550

In the US, wages and salaries very greatly by region and state, according to cost of living. In New York or California, $75K/year would be just enough to barely get by, while in Nebraska or Wyoming, $75K/year would be a pretty good income for one person.

Already got mine. I got it stashed in cash in places unknown and I intend to leave it untouched until something REALLY good comes along.
Like that sporty car that you been thinking about buying!! Hah!! Just kidding. :whistling:
Like that sporty car that you been thinking about buying!! Hah!! Just kidding. :whistling:
You don't want to know about that. For one I think I can get a rusty one for ten times that $1,400. I call it my roadripper. Long gone, smashed and gotten rid of but I didn't know what I had.

1970 Olds Toronado W-34

The only car to ever be considered a musclecar and a luxury car at the same time.

In Cleveland we have many roads that are blacktop over brick, it is only maybe 5" thick...? Well punching this thing out of the hole would tear some of it up. At first I didn't know what it was, all I knew is I heard like rocks hitting my car seemingly from underneath. Then later I saw the road. That splained it.

On the west side there was a part of I-90 not finished. I had moved from Lakewood and still hung there. Well I had this piece of road pretty much mapped, taking the right route you cna see off the bridges how it is coming. Then I saw it was doe enough. I slid that thing with the light just right and I could get tis huge car through, but I was a really good driver. Others couldn't do it without hitting the curb. And it stayed put, both actually, also the one where I wanted to get off of course.

So back then there was no caller ID, no call forwarding or waiting, not cells ? NOT EVEN CORDLESS MY MAN ! Leashed to the wall we was ! LOL

So, they called me. Remember they called me so they knew where I was. I took MY highway up there. It was then when I found out I still had a passing gear at 105MPH, I sh*t you not. Obviously I didn't drive 55.

They asked how I got there so fast. MWAHAHAHAA, wouldn't you like to know ?

All good things come to an end and eventually they opened it and I started getting tickets on it.

Later I got into a wreck with a lawyer on a motorcycle. Only $353,000. But we got the "right" lawyer, you do know what that means right ? He settled for a couple grand in payments.

I used to beat Vettes with that ting, lbut only small blocks.. Not a big block. Took lots of the trashmobiles, you know the Trans Ams and Camaros. I never found a Chrysler product I coudn't beat but I didn't get around to all of them. There was a Super Bee in the hood but some (_|_)hole busted the window out. His GF's brother. I think I could have taken that even though it was big, it was a low block. I also raced few Fords, some of them run.

No foreign cars either. I consider them in a different class. they don't weight anything so they can go as fast with 75HP as we can with twice that. Not quite like a motorcycle. Oh, never raced any of them either, >schmardt !<

You know those crotch rockets ? If you know the area and what you're doing you CAN get away from the cops, radio or not.

Anyway, that's my car story from XX/XX/XX to XX/XX/XX.

But you wouldn't want a car that old, right? You'd have to put too much money into it, keeping it fixed. It would be a money pit!!

One of my brothers wants a car from a friend of ours. It's an '01 Ford Crown Vic. But it has sat in the driveway for about 10 years & it needs a ton of work done to it before he can even put it on the road!! All the rubber parts would have to be replaced, which would include hoses, belts, tires & gaskets & engine mounts.

The ac probably isn't working. The compressor might have fried. The oil has to be changed, along with the oil filter . He's already looking at about $2,500 or more, he doesn't get that kind of money now, doesn't have his license because it has expired on account he has to pay for non-child support, has to pay a probate fee as well as having it re-registered. He's looking at about close to $30,000 for the whole thing!!!! Forget it!! He's not going to be able to come up with that amount of money just for an old car!!! It'll make him broke, to which he just about is now. He's pipe dreaming!!!! Oh. His stymulus money is already gone. He spent it already!!!! :(
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In this state cars over 25 years old are exempt from testing. I got some of the old Freon left for the A/C. (or it can be a pot of gold)

In my view, nothing after the mid 1980s is anything special.
Car a/c today feature R-134A freon, as does window & whole-house air conditioners, fridges & freezers & self-contained ice cream makers. The old stuff, you can't get now. It is said to be destructive to the ozone layer in the sky. :(
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