Wild tomatoes


Legendary Member
Staff member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
11:36 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
Cut the grass on the top lawn on Thursday, and came across a huge, wild tomato plant. Yep, wild tomatoes; as far as I can gather, these little fellas grow wild. Colloquially they're known as "Tomate Cagón (Bird sh** tomatoes :hyper:) because that's the way the plant is propagated!
You can see the size of these - they're tiny, but very flavourful.
Tomates Cagón.jpg
Cut the grass on the top lawn on Thursday, and came across a huge, wild tomato plant. Yep, wild tomatoes; as far as I can gather, these little fellas grow wild. Colloquially they're known as "Tomate Cagón (Bird sh** tomatoes :hyper:) because that's the way the plant is propagated!
You can see the size of these - they're tiny, but very flavourful.View attachment 116360
To me they look like teeny tiny cherry tomatoes...
That’s probably similar to what we call “volunteer tomatoes” - I haven’t planted tomatoes in years, but I still have a couple of plants that pop up near, but not exactly where my old tomato patch was.
We call those Everglades tomatoes here. They are the only tomatoes native to Florida and will thrive in the heat of summer with just a little watering. I especially love to use them in

Recipe - Tomato, basil, mozzarella galette

They are very sweet and less acid than other tomatoes.

Yep, once a bush gets going, little plants will start popping up everywhere. Birds love them and we've had to put netting over the bush at times to be able to have any for us.
We call those Everglades tomatoes here. They are the only tomatoes native to Florida and will thrive in the heat of summer with just a little watering. I especially love to use them in

Recipe - Tomato, basil, mozzarella galette

They are very sweet and less acid than other tomatoes.

Yep, once a bush gets going, little plants will start popping up everywhere. Birds love them and we've had to put netting over the bush at times to be able to have any for us.
Can you stop posting things I have to bookmark? 😂
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