Windowsill salad


19 Nov 2014
Local time
4:59 PM
When I was shopping in a discount store in the summer I came across kits to grow lettuce on your windowsill and at only a pound I decided to give it a go. We don't eat a huge amount of salad but do like to add lettuce etc to sandwiches. The kit was very simple and I just had to sprinkle the seeds in soil, water and cover.

The seeds sprouted in under a week and the cover was removed. The plants grew quickly and I soon had a lovely little selection of fresh leaves on my kitchen windowsill.

I am not very greenfingered so was delighted and surprised with the results of this experiment.
Lettuce and herbs are the easiest to grow on the windowsill and the most useful. As a child we were all taught to do this at school as a class project and because it's so easy I loved it and tried to do more at home. I tried sweetcorn, but it was never warm enough! My obsession then spread to wanting an apple tree though and I did get one in the end!
I did this a class project at school and it's cheap easy and fun. I tried to grow sweetcorn in a pot plant in the porch which didn't work, because it wasn't hot enough in the UK. Lettuce is cheap and organic to grow and herbs, so even with a lack of space you can grow useful things that you can use daily. I did then want an apple tree, which I got by accident. My mum liked the blossom and didn't realize it was an apple tree until apples appeared.
How much did that kit cost? I am hoping to start up some lettuce in the window myself, but I need to get some supplies and seeds first. I would love to know if this is an expensive thing or if it is comparable to buying the supplies individually.
How much did that kit cost? I am hoping to start up some lettuce in the window myself, but I need to get some supplies and seeds first. I would love to know if this is an expensive thing or if it is comparable to buying the supplies individually.

The opening post said the kit cost her a pound (£1) which is about $1.50. I'm guessing she bought it at a Pound Store, and you might be able to find something similar in a dollar store. I've also seen "living salads" in supermarkets. These are lettuces already growing in plastic containers, so you may also like to look for those next year when the salad season starts.
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