Women only walking group


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
4:06 AM
Leicester UK
We live close to beautiful meadows and a canal. Long story short I am now involved in a women only walking group. So far we have only done 2 walks, we are looking to do another next Sunday.

A lot of the local ladies only know small areas so this is about showing them just how big and beautiful the area is and also make it a social gathering, meeting new people etc.. The last walk was a Wednesday evening and we were out for over an hour and a half, this next one will be a gentle morning bimble then maybe a cuppa stop along the way. Not everyone can make an evening which is why we are trying to mix it up so we can include as many as possible.

Hopefully as time goes on more will be interested.
That sounds like a fine idea but I must admit I do have one reservation - what would the reaction be to a MEN only group ? Equality is a splendid thing but equality means just that. I ride a motorcycle and on a forum I was on one guy suggested forming a black bike club [the riders not the bikes] - I asked him what he would say if I were to suggest a white club - he had no answer. Personally I have no problem with an 'exclusive' club/group - we all want to be with our own 'kind' sometimes, but I suspect a men only group that advertised as such would soon find its self in trouble [not perhaps from you of course but there are those]. I think it's a bit sad really
Anyhow keep enjoying the walks :)
I would see separating the sexes for walking more of a speed thing than a gender thing...men have generally have a longer stride and would make the walk more of a jog for the ladies.
That sounds like a fine idea but I must admit I do have one reservation - what would the reaction be to a MEN only group ? Equality is a splendid thing but equality means just that. I ride a motorcycle and on a forum I was on one guy suggested forming a black bike club [the riders not the bikes] - I asked him what he would say if I were to suggest a white club - he had no answer. Personally I have no problem with an 'exclusive' club/group - we all want to be with our own 'kind' sometimes, but I suspect a men only group that advertised as such would soon find its self in trouble [not perhaps from you of course but there are those]. I think it's a bit sad really
Anyhow keep enjoying the walks :)

I would see separating the sexes for walking more of a speed thing than a gender thing...men have generally have a longer stride and would make the walk more of a jog for the ladies.

There are single ladies who are new to the area abd want to explore but don't know the area or feel safe, the whole point is to introduce them to the area, the beauty of it and to let them know that it is safe for a lady on her own. Give them the confidence and knowledge so then maybe they will want to take their friends/family when they visit, support local independent businesses. It isn't about separating the genders or 'women walking slower than men' it is about helping women to feel safe and hopefully make new friends.

My husband part runs a Sunday morning velo club, since that set up 2 ladies who had never met before have become firm friends, we have also made friends, this is what it is about.

If men want to set up a men only walking group then why not?
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