Anytime you asked if there was more of anything if they were out of a particular cut or if you asked him to grind anything, he would always tell you no or make up an excuse as to why he couldn't perform the service you asked for.
That's exactly what every single Kroger butcher I've ever dealt with has done. "Can I get a pound of chuck coarse ground?" "That grinding plate is dirty right now, I'd have to wash it."
After a few examples of this, I went to customer service and explained to the manager exactly why I wasn't buying any more meat there ever again.
My favorite butcher, now here's a story...first time I went there, 2004, I stopped in and picked up a few things, and it went like this:
"Can I get a pound of ground sirloin and a pound of ground pork?"
"Sure can, brother! What're gonna do with that? Meatloaf?"
"Close. Meatballs."
"Oh, brother, I love a good meatball! You baking them, or frying and simmering in a sauce?"
"Frying and simmering. I don't really like baking them."
"You got that right! Baking dried 'em out, brother! Hey, I haven't seen you in here before, what's your name?"
I told him my name, and he said, "Hey, you wouldn't know a Buddy Smith, would you? He used to deliver pop in these parts in the '70's."
"Yes sir, that's my dad. He retired about eight or ten years ago, and yeah, when he ran a route, this was his area. He's the one who told me to come in here. We just moved back after 20 years."
"Well, I'll be! Your of the good ones! This was my dad's place, and I worked here coming up, and your dad always slid me and my brother a pop, every time he made a delivery. Every time! You tell him Mike at Gripp's said hello and you give him a big hug from me. I hope he's ok!"
Small world, huh?