Your other hobbies.

And the armwarmers...

We just got back home from a 3 hour round trip drive to pick up...



As you can see by the tag, it was $275 for everything, house and furniture. The kit to build the house is $500. The furniture isn't the finest, but it's very nice for the most part. I have been shopping for years, picking up fine furniture here and there so I won't be using a whole lot of the furniture and will be able to sell it. There is also a 2-story, 2 room extension you can buy that I intend to get. I'll repaint once I get the extension, and redecorate inside and add electricity. Might even add a basement for kitchen and servant quarters. Oh, it's also got plexiglass to keep things from getting dusty.
We just got back home from a 3 hour round trip drive to pick up...

View attachment 115675
View attachment 115676

As you can see by the tag, it was $275 for everything, house and furniture. The kit to build the house is $500. The furniture isn't the finest, but it's very nice for the most part. I have been shopping for years, picking up fine furniture here and there so I won't be using a whole lot of the furniture and will be able to sell it. There is also a 2-story, 2 room extension you can buy that I intend to get. I'll repaint once I get the extension, and redecorate inside and add electricity. Might even add a basement for kitchen and servant quarters. Oh, it's also got plexiglass to keep things from getting dusty.
How utterly adorable!!
The story of “Herbaceous knits her first socks” has now become a bit of a saga. When I went to start the decreases for the toe, I discovered I had messed it up a great deal (none of the stitch markers were where they were supposed to be). I tried to fix it, but ended up getting frustrated and frogging the entire thing. (I have some crappy stuff happening in my personal life right now and I do not have a ton of patience).

Then I started over. Got about 4 rounds in and discovered that I’d somehow managed to drop a bunch of stitches, so I got frustrated and ripped that out too.

Took a bit of a break, and I’ve restarted again. Third time’s the charm?
Took a bit of a break, and I’ve restarted again. Third time’s the charm?
I’m sorry you’re going through what you’re going through!

Maybe use that monster sock as your outlet. Let it be as gnarly and malformed as it needs to be. Go with it. Think of it as a Dorian Gray thing, like The Sock of Herbaceous - put all your frustration into that.
I’m sorry you’re going through what you’re going through!

Maybe use that monster sock as your outlet. Let it be as gnarly and malformed as it needs to be. Go with it. Think of it as a Dorian Gray thing, like The Sock of Herbaceous - put all your frustration into that.
Hah, I feel like that would work if I was angry and frustrated, but instead (for various reasons I won’t get into here) I’m just emotionally drained.

Maybe I’ll be ready to get some anger out when I get to the second sock!
Maybe I’ll be ready to get some anger out when I get to the second sock!
Sending hopeful and positive views your way! Sometimes it's really hard to see over to the next riverbank...and I hope you find activities or matters that "feed" you, your soul, your core...
This year(schoolyear) I found very draining for me personally for many reasons...and I felt like rediscovering what do i like, what fills me up helped. I've been trying to do that the last 2 weeks. It does help. At least a bit.

I hope it does not sound like a generic magazine signboard...I hope you find your way out. To the sunshine and joy.
I just bought 20 pairs (yes, 20) of footies in different colors. I had to get them from the women’s section because, apparently, men are supposed to wear white or black only. 🤨
You call them footies? And 20 pairs? I didn't even know they made them for women. Are we talking about the same thing? We are off topic.

I was meaning sock support as in holding them up...
You call them footies? And 20 pairs? I didn't even know they made them for women. Are we talking about the same thing? We are off topic.

I was meaning sock support as in holding them up...
These be footies here:


Oh look, how daring, they also have blue…for men…what next, beige?! :laugh:

I had to get mine from the women’s section, so now I have footies in beige, pale yellow, peach, salmon, green (which I’m wearing today), and even hot pink! :laugh:

20 pairs because (as you can see above, they’re normally packaged in pairs of 10), because I couldn’t get all the colors I wanted in one bundle.

Yea, I do have shirt garters that function to keep the shirt tails down and the socks up:


Note: that’s not me in the photo - my legs are nicer than that! :laugh:
Sock attempt #3, heel and gusset complete. Next I will knit the foot and hope like crazy that it’s not all messed up when I get to the toe decreases.
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That's looking good. Hard to go too wrong with the foot. Just stop at the desired number of stitches and keep note of one of the sides which should be easy on dpns. You'll need this 'side' so that the toe is lined up with the heel and not 5 stitches out or similar.

If you end up with an the uneven number of stitches, you can just loose a stitch in the tour areas. Have you decided on your tour decreases or are you going for a straight wedge toe? I prefer a rounded toe, which is
3 lots of decreases on 1 round, 2 normal rounds
3 lots of decrease in 1 round and 1 normal round and finally 3 round of decrease on each round.

This gives a nice rounded toe, so it takes 18 rounds in total but you'll lose 12 stitches (4 sts in each of 3 rounds) in the first 9 rounds. Then you'll lose 12 stitches in 6 rounds, and finally you'll lose 12 sts in 3 rounds. I stop at something like 14 sts on each side of the toe before joining the toe ends. I don't have pointed toes, so this broader fit works better for me. Some instructions say to decrease until you only have 14 sts total left. You end up with a very pointed end to the sock and in my car, nothing to fill it with.
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