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any instrument with strings




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I'd been meaning to clean some orchids for a long time; it's probably been 15 years since we acquired this particular species (Dendrobium aggregatum) and in the past few years, there have been fewer flowers. That's always a good (or bad) sign that the roots are blocking growth. Kept putting it off, but since there are protests all across Caracas, I decided that today was the day.
First of all, I had to remove the healthy plants from the huge mess I had in front of me; the size of a football:
Orchids 1.jpg

Once that was done, I had to clean the plants of all excess root matter, leaves, dead pseudo bulbs, etc. This allows the orchid to grow new roots and grow better. Orchids are epiphytes, which means they draw nutrients from the atmosphere rather than from soil. The roots are there to stabilise the plant (on a tree, or a branch, or in this case, a piece of giant fern wood) but they also stress the plant if there are too many, and that means fewer flowers.
It's a painstaking job because I don't want to rip the plants apart and damage the new leaf growths , so patience, patience. It took me around 3 hours:
Orchids 2.jpg
Orchids 3.jpg

The final step was to attach them to the fern roots (or palm tree wood) again. I secure them with thin wire, which is enough to stabilise them. The smallest plants were stuffed into a plant pot!
Orchids 4.jpg

This particular orchid is extremely pretty when it flowers:
Orchid 14.jpg
I like the colors.
Thanks! This is just some cheapie yarn from the craft store. I have some absolutely gorgeous sock yarns that are inspired by bird plumage and hand-dyed, but I really want to get the hang of knitting socks before I use those ones. So I’m giving it a try with the cheap stuff first!
Been working on the room box for my Persian Grand Bazaar scene. Got all the lattice work that I have cut, painted, and installed. I miscalculated and had to order a few more pieces. If I ever do something like this again, I'm using spray paint. Brushing it on took forever. I cut and installed the Moroccan tile pattern window film on the back wall of the box. Need to take the box out on the porch and take a picture so the light comes through the back.

Sanded and painted a couple of plastic vegetable bins so they look more like wood.

Sorted through everything and organized.

Put air drying clay in some bread molds. They will dry for a bit, then I'll remove them, make some more, and then once I have enough will paint.

Dolled up a couple of mirrors that will be for sale with some rhinestones. Lots of patience required for that. The rhinestones I used are 2mm.

I did some gluing on some box stools/tables too. Covering the top piece with fabric.


Had to take a break. My patience and back have had it for a while.
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I finished another pair of socks.


This is some handdyed yarn that I dyed.
They had different coloured toes so that I can knit another pair and be able to tell them apart.

There's a matching cardigan as well, but in still waiting for buttons for it and a better day to photograph it.
Been working on the room box for my Persian Grand Bazaar scene. Got all the lattice work that I have cut, painted, and installed. I miscalculated and had to order a few more pieces. If I ever do something like this again, I'm using spray paint. Brushing it on took forever. I cut and installed the Moroccan tile pattern window film on the back wall of the box. Need to take the box out on the porch and take a picture so the light comes through the back.

Sanded and painted a couple of plastic vegetable bins so they look more like wood.

Sorted through everything and organized.

Put air drying clay in some bread molds. They will dry for a bit, then I'll remove them, make some more, and then once I have enough will paint.

Dolled up a couple of mirrors that will be for sale with some rhinestones. Lots of patience required for that. The rhinestones I used are 2mm.

I did some gluing on some box stools/tables too. Covering the top piece with fabric.

View attachment 117735

Had to take a break. My patience and back have had it for a while.
Amazing I love it!
Oddly enough, the yarn is the exact same yarn as the socks, just photographed in different light!

Still not blocked and no buttons.

this was my inspiration photo when dyeing the yarn for the cardigan.

It's the midnight sun in the Lofoten Islands, Norway.



The socks are far closer to the true colour than the cardigan photo is (yet).
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