Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Looking for a caption for this photo of me holding a big stack of rib eye, strip loin and tenderloin. Going to post on line for a bbq promotion coming soon. View attachment 84923

“Arby’s, I beg to differ.*”

“Time to feed dear MIL!”

*Here, Arby’s current ad campaign is a very robust voice claiming, “Arby’s! We have the meats!”


I’m lucky with the weather too, thanks Manchester 🥰
Where’s your house? 😬
It's behind me in the NFZ, lol. I can go to the end of my block and be just outside of the Washington DC no fly zone, and just before the Dulles International no fly zone. I put the drone up when I went to get a burrito the other night, was just too pretty not to. Fairfax City is quaint and great for being just a quick ride into the nations capital.
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