Your Photos (2017-2024)

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We stepped across the street to pay respects to some of MrsT’s people, and I took these photos:


I took this one from behind. It’s right in the middle of a grave, and at first, I thought it was a decorative ceramic one that someone had placed there.


I liked the idea of the well-aged woman (not sure you can see the walker/roller in the pic) tending her garden right next to the graveyard.
We stepped across the street to pay respects to some of MrsT’s people, and I took these photos:

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I took this one from behind. It’s right in the middle of a grave, and at first, I thought it was a decorative ceramic one that someone had placed there.

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I liked the idea of the well-aged woman (not sure you can see the walker/roller in the pic) tending her garden right next to the graveyard.
And those are some well-aged gravestones as well. Could you make out the dates on them (in the second photo)?
And those are some well-aged gravestones as well. Could you make out the dates on them (in the second photo)?
Many of them, no. The earliest I could see easily was 1763.

The graveyard is laid out oldest graves at the front, newest at the back, and the first quarter or so are written in German.

The geology in the area is amazing. But it does make it hard climbing over the rocks at times!

The rocks are rich with ferrous oxide and at times you feel like you could pick it up and remove the rust from the rocks.


There are loads of veins like this running through the rocks.
Sunset by the sea and flying kites

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I wish I had a picture of this, but one night, while camping on the beach (near /Galveston), we made some mini hot air balloons out of black plastic trash bags and candles tied together, tied kite string to them, and flew them at night like kites. We had about five or six up at one time.

After about 30 minutes, a police vehicle showed up. The officer laughed, and told us they were getting 911 calls about UFOs dancing around in the sky over the Gulf. :laugh:

It was supposed to be a blue supermoon last night (blüpermoon?), so MrsT took a pic:


Nice, but nothing blue or particularly super about it.
They say "once in a blue moon" because it's a rare occurence; once every 14 years, apparently, when we get 13 full moons a year instead of 12. The moon's orbit is closest to the earth, so the moon looks bigger and brighter - but never blue.
These pictures were taken at 7.30 pm and then again around 9.30. Very bright!
Blue Moon 1.jpg
Blue moon 2.jpg
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