Wandering Bob
My avatar (the bike) and username probably tell you all you need to know
But my name isn't Bob
But my name isn't Bob
You're not our uncle?
Sorry to disappoint.
My username is a partial homage to two folk music heroes of mine - Ramblin' Jack Elliott and Stumblin' Jake Mandrax (admittedly the latter is less well-known)
I had to look up in the right corner to see what i was using. Mine is descriptive on myself and my avatar is my cat jack under a sheet, no other reason than i thought he was cute.
Funny story about my username. So i was on another forum and used the same username but i musta mistyped it and when i got done with the registering process i was odddock not duck. I had a good laugh and decided odddock was fate.
Oh! I thought it was because you called Bob and had been wandering the world.
Its coincidental but we have two ducks on the forum - you and @Duck59 and you are both vegetarians.
Its coincidental but we have two ducks on the forum - you and @Duck59 and you are both vegetarians.