Forum GOD!
Inspired by a post by @Yorky on a different thread, in which he pointed out that he is often the only member here due to his time zone, it would be interesting to compare the time windows wherin we visit Cookingbites. We have members from many corners of the globe (well, at least in terms of time zones), and when I bump into other members at different time of the day I always try to put their time of day into context with mine.
I am an early riser/early to bed type, so I'm usually here between 04:00 GMT and 21:00 GMT. So, in a +/- GMT working day context (sorry, it's the only benchmark I know) what are your visiting windows?
I am an early riser/early to bed type, so I'm usually here between 04:00 GMT and 21:00 GMT. So, in a +/- GMT working day context (sorry, it's the only benchmark I know) what are your visiting windows?