Your time window on Cookingbites


Forum GOD!
12 Mar 2016
Local time
4:36 AM
Shropshire, UK
Inspired by a post by @Yorky on a different thread, in which he pointed out that he is often the only member here due to his time zone, it would be interesting to compare the time windows wherin we visit Cookingbites. We have members from many corners of the globe (well, at least in terms of time zones), and when I bump into other members at different time of the day I always try to put their time of day into context with mine.

I am an early riser/early to bed type, so I'm usually here between 04:00 GMT and 21:00 GMT. So, in a +/- GMT working day context (sorry, it's the only benchmark I know) what are your visiting windows?
On and off all day - but I very often get up late, so usually don't log in until around 10.30 am to 11 am BST. Lately I've been trying not to log in after 11 pm (latest) as I need to wind down and relax in order to sleep later. Computer screens are the enemy of sleep!
I usually log in at Midnight (UK time) and and the computer stays on until after Midday (but I'm not here all that time).
Ah, Zulu time. GMT is the best benchmark.

I'm liable to be here at almost sny time of the day or night. I don't sleep much, and I'm at work all sorts of odd hours 65+ hours a week, 6 to 7 days a week.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

In a Monty Python kind of way, I'm too busy to deal with death. P!ss off, Death, move on to the next on the list.
I'm at work all sorts of odd hours 65+ hours a week, 6 to 7 days a week.

Blimey! You must have lots of money but no time to spend it. How can you survive on little sleep? Have you always been that way? If I don't get 8 hrs I'm in a state....
Blimey! You must have lots of money but no time to spend it. How can you survive on little sleep? Have you always been that way? If I don't get 8 hrs I'm in a state....

I have to be in a state to get some sleep.................

hic emoticom.jpg
Monday to Thursday I usually log on around 18.30-19.00, Fridays as we finish at 13.00 I am usually on around 15.00 all GMT. At weekends it is whenever.
As I work shifts it's hard to give a set time of day when I'll be around.
I can be on early watch shift, up and about at 4:30 a.m. GMT
Late shift, work till 9 pm GMT or airport close, whichever is later.
Flexi shift where I start when I want to or need to depending on any maintenance tasks I have.
I'm in New Zealand so I bump into Yorky a lot here. I work for myself so I tend to not come on here til early stuff is done. Check in around 10 or 11 am and I do e mail stuff for work so I'm in and out of here til around 5 pm our time then I get dinner organised and muck around until 9pm and I head upstairs to the lounge. And sky tv.

Blimey! You must have lots of money but no time to spend it. How can you survive on little sleep? Have you always been that way? If I don't get 8 hrs I'm in a state....

My wife and son live very good lives.

I'd like to sleep more, but there's just no time. I get about 1 to 2 hours of broken sleep at work, and maybe 3 more at home each day.
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