Do you use canned vegetables?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
11:58 AM
While I prefer to use fresh vegetables, there are times that I would buy a tin of mixed vegetables to use with a meal if I want to make a quick meal and do not want to spend a lot of time dicing and cutting up vegetables. I would usually mix these vegetables in with the meal rather than using them on the side. However, I think the fresh vegetables are much nicer, so I tend to buy these more often than the canned ones..

Do you use canned vegetables, and how and when do you use them?
I tend to use tinged sweetcorn,

What colour tinge does it have? :wink:

Likewise, I have used tinned sweetcorn when I didn't have a freezer, but we use frozen corn now. We also used tinned tomatoes a lot for pastas and curries, and tinned baked beans (of course!) and chickpeas and mixed beans (sometimes already in a tomatoey sauce) for chilli and stuff.
I prefer fresh vegetables mostly and enjoy them more as well! I am sure I would use canned if I felt lazy or if maybe I was under pressure to prepare a quick something to eat.
I dislike the taste of canned vegetables but I do like canned beans and them a lot.

Canned mushrooms especially have a funny texture. I actually don't mind them because a college friend of mine used to make a pasta meat sauce with them, so I have a good memory of that. But when I order a pizza from a new place and it comes with canned mushrooms, I just feel livid!

The only vegetable I have used from a can is peas, because I have a family recipe for a mayonnaise type salad with them.
Of course fresh vegetables are the best but I do keep a few tins on hand for nights I run out of fresh which isn't too often. Mostly I buy corn or peas.
I also use canned kidney beans for my chili recipe.
I prefer to use fresh vegetables, I use both canned and fresh vegetables when ever I can. I used canned black beans for a long time but recently made some dried beans that were so good I could not stop eating. I think I will cook dried black beans from now own, I cooked them in chicken broth from a chicken I had just baked.
99% of the time it is fresh or frozen veggies for me. I used to use canned veggies when I was younger, but later discovered how good fresh and frozen veggies taste, comparatively speaking, and have not looked back since.
99% of the time it is fresh or frozen veggies for me. I used to use canned veggies when I was younger, but later discovered how good fresh and frozen veggies taste, comparatively speaking, and have not looked back since.

We are sort of on the same page. I'd go with a 1% of canned vegetables and it would include some corn which I have not used in a while. Based on something I read online that can corn could probably last me about 40 years, but that's another story.

At the end of the day I am much, much happier with fresh vegetables and when my garden is producing it's heavenly.
Nope we didn't used canned vegetables. We have a vegetable farm and we also have vegetable garden in our backyard so we have no problems in getting vegetables that we wanted to used in cooking. Our home is also located near the public market so if there are any needed vegetables that are not found in our backyard we buy it from the market. Fresh vegetables are always better than those canned ones.
I'll usually get frozen before I buy canned fruits, vegetables or legumes. I just don't care much for the texture or the taste of most canned foods and I'm really not big on chemical preservatives. Even the frozen stuff could be questionable when it comes to preservatives, but it often has a better texture. I bought some canned green beans recently that weren't bad, but nothing beats fresh.
I do not use canned vegetables for my cooking except for canned green peas, young corn and mushroom..Although I use fresh mushroom if there is available in the market. But I always use other fresh vegetables for my cooking which gives the real taste for my recipes. There is nothing to compare to the freshness of foods than those in canned goods.
Coming here is a reminder I need to do some work in the kitchen checking and dumping things that might have overstayed their welcome. I suspect the few can items I have might have to be tossed as I have had them for quite a while.

I think most cooks favour fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to canned goods.
Canned vegetables are in last place in my choices. I first prefer them fresh, second frozen and only if those options are no good I'll go with canned. Not only canned have more conservatives, but they lose vitamins more than the other options. Not to mention they usually taste bad.
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