Exotic fruits


23 Apr 2015
Local time
5:44 PM
Fife, Scotland
I'd be interested to know what sort of tropical fruits people have come across on their travels. I always marvel at the sheer variety that one can discover.

I'll give a few examples. A visit to Sri Lanka introduced me to pink bananas, mangosteens and wood apples. Spending a couple of years working in East Africa, I encountered guavas and prickly pears, both of which I see occasionally in the UK, but not often enough.
I'm guessing that for some people the simple gooseberry would be considered exotic. For me, I guess the best was cloudberries picked fresh that afternoon and eaten almost immediately. Hardly exotic in some areas of the world, but having 1/2kg of cloudberries given to you to eat with your porridge for me in the extreme far north of Norway, right on the Barent's Sea with the Russian border won't ever be forgotten and for a lot of people cloudberries are either unheard of or simply too expensive to even be worth trying.

I'm guessing that for some people the simple gooseberry would be considered exotic. For me, I guess the best was cloudberries picked fresh that afternoon and eaten almost immediately. Hardly exotic in some areas of the world, but having 1/2kg of cloudberries given to you to eat with your porridge for me in the extreme far north of Norway, right on the Barent's Sea with the Russian border won't ever be forgotten and for a lot of people cloudberries are either unheard of or simply too expensive to even be worth trying.

such a delicate fruit from such a chilly area,i went to the area where Norway borders Russia many moons ago,and it was so cold..
I've just had a quick google they with stand temps of -40,very unusual and very hardy
My wife is from Brazil and when we are out there she always introduces me to some new fruit. They don't always taste great, but normally have some claimed health properties. Acerola springs to mind, about the size of a crabapple and very sour, huge amounts of vitamin c though.
I get a lot more exposure to exotic vegetables than I do fruits but I did try a durian once. I know everyone hates it like a fatal virus but it wasn't the worst for me. The smell was something you had to deal with & influenced the taste a tad but it had a melon-y way about it others seemed to miss. Would I eat it in a recreational way? No. It wasn't the worst though.
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