

New Member
26 Mar 2024
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12:15 PM
One thing I never understood is putting ketchup on eggs. To me it just doesn’t go, as a matter of fact it turns my stomach watching someone eat that. I know its a personal choice, but I just dont get it. The only things I put ketchup on are hamburgers and french fries.
One thing I never understood is putting ketchup on eggs. To me it just doesn’t go, as a matter of fact it turns my stomach watching someone eat that. I know its a personal choice, but I just dont get it. The only things I put ketchup on are hamburgers and french fries.

I agree. I like tomato ketchup on many things but never eggs. I do like all sorts of other 'sauces' with eggs, though. Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, H.P sauce, balsamic reduction etc.
I must admit, that fried eggs are one of the only things I use ketchup for! But I don't understand those who pour it all over a roast dinner! Who remembers when Heinz released a green Ketchup?? I don't think it was sold for long.

I must admit, that fried eggs are one of the only things I use ketchup for! But I don't understand those who pour it all over a roast dinner! Who remembers when Heinz released a green Ketchup?? I don't think it was sold for long.

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I vaguely remember a green ketchup sold here, but I think it was just regular ketchup made treated with green food coloring.

We just had a ketchup challenge here on the forum and had a couple of homemade ketchup recipes submitted, including a proper green one, made from green tomatoes.
Nothing wrong with ketchup on eggs. On rare occasions when I make myself a fried egg sandwich you bet there will be ketchup! :)
I've never had a problem with ketchup on eggs; in fact, I made myself a version of a McMuffin the other day (eggs, cheese, bacon, tomato and ketchup). Still, when I think about it, I use ketchup mostly for burgers, chips (English chips) and hot dogs.
Green ketchup arrived over here in Venezuela a while ago. It went down like a lead balloon.
One thing I never understood is putting ketchup on eggs. To me it just doesn’t go, as a matter of fact it turns my stomach watching someone eat that. I know its a personal choice, but I just dont get it. The only things I put ketchup on are hamburgers and french fries.
I like cocktail sauce, which has ketchup in it. I use it for raw oysters (with extra horseradish) and in shrimp cocktail, of course. I sometimes have dipped fried and breaded onion rings in ketchup. Not on eggs, for me.
I must admit, that fried eggs are one of the only things I use ketchup for! But I don't understand those who pour it all over a roast dinner! Who remembers when Heinz released a green Ketchup?? I don't think it was sold for long.

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I don't remember that - which is odd because I tend to notice new sauce products. Did it taste the same as the red?
Just my humble opinion, but ketchup on runny eggs look like a crime scene to me. I get an upset stomach if I see that. No ketchup on eggs for me.
Hello fellow Maidstone citizen! As far as I remember it tasted the same. i've just been sad enough to do a little research and found this original BBC article... BBC News | UK | Heinz to launch green ketchup

Strange that it tasted the same, as one would think the colour of tomatoes would make any attempt to make it green turn to brown. Unless, of course, they used green tomatoes (which seems unlikely). I read it was coloured with spinach..

What a co-incidence that you are in Maidstone! We have another member karadekoolaid who also hails from Maidstone, although he now lives in Venezuela.
So here's another from the Maidstone Chapter :laugh: :laugh:
When Heinz launched their green version over here, it sold for a while, but mainly because people were curious. When folks realised it was basically the same flavour as the red, they stopped buying it.
There's also something about green condiments that people dislike, at least over here. When I had my chutney business, I sold Red Pepper Jelly and Green Pepper Jelly to the local supermarkets. The red pepper jelly would sell out; the green would be returned
I’ve never had ketchup on eggs, but I also feel no overwhelming desire to try it. :wink:
I put a little bit of it on the side with some hot sauce poured on it. Then I run my fork through it before cutting off some egg and putting on my toast. Other things I eat with ketchup are the usuals..fries, burger, and hot dog..
I have an absolutely lovely friend who has one flaw (well her husband may know of a few more)...she puts ketchup on her steak. We had them over for dinner years ago and we were having ribeye steaks that I'd marinated in a flavorful soy and garlic marinade. As plates were served, she asked if we had any ketchup, and I was confused because we were having baked potatoes and salad with the I asked her what she needed it for. When she told me, i asked her to try a bite without it, thinking that it was delicious without it and she'd agree it didn't need it, and she still wanted ketchup after. Sigh.
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