Recipe Mattar mushroom

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
3:53 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I used tinned marrowfat peas in this curry. Maybe that is controversial but I happen to love them. They are the sort of peas used in the UK to make fish and chip shop 'mushy peas'. I love their sweet yet earthy taste in this curry. Please feel free to substitute frozen peas. The taste will be different but the curry will still work. You will get pops of sweetness instead of the sweet melty texture of the marrowfat peas. Either way, the mushrooms luxuriate in the spicy, creamy curry sauce.


Ingredients (serves 1 - 2)
200g white mushrooms cut into quarters or half, depending on size
1 tsp garlic paste or grated fresh garlic
1 tsp ginger paste or grated fresh ginger
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1 heaped tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
1 tbsp kefir (or plain yoghurt)
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp aijwan seeds (lovage seeds)
1 tbsp vegetable oil or ghee
1 medium red onion, chopped
2 tsp tomato purée
125 ml water
3 or 5 birds eye chillis, slit with a sharp knife but left whole
1 tbsp double cream (add more if you wish)
Salt (to taste)
100g tinned marrowfat peas (use frozen peas if you prefer)

  1. In a large bowl, mix together the garlic and ginger paste, turmeric, chilli powder and kefir. Add the mushrooms and turn until they are coated. Marinate for 2 hours (longer will be fine).
  2. Place the whole dried spices in a dry non stick pan and dry roast over a medium heat for a few minutes until they release their aroma. Be careful not to burn. Place the roasted spices in a spice grinder and grind to a fine powder.
  3. Add the oil to a pan and cook the onions until softened. Add the ground spices, 125ml of water and tomato purée to the pan. Simmer gently for 10 minutes. Blend the mixture until smooth (optional - I used a stick blender).
  4. Return the blended sauce to the pan, add the mushrooms with their marinade and the whole chillies. Mix well and simmer for a further 20 minutes. Add more water if the gravy reduces too much.
  5. Add the peas and cream and simmer for a further 3 minutes. Add salt to taste.
  6. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve with rice or flatbread.
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Looks fab MG. I see you didn't include the water in the ingredients list, is that normal? I say that because I would, always. Just curious.

You know what, I'm not sure! I think maybe conventions vary for writing up recipes when it comes to 'water'. But I'm quite happy to add it.

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You know what, I'm not sure! I think maybe conventions vary for writing up recipes when it comes to 'water'. But I'm quite happy to add it.

I only asked because when I looked at the picture then read the ingredients I couldn't figure out why there was so much liquid (sauce) then reading the instructions it said to add 125ml of water. Generally when asked to add something in an amount it's normally found in the ingredient list, but I wasn't quite sure, because you know you people over the pond do things differently you know. :highfive:
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