Need Help Asian King Crab


Senior Member
20 Dec 2017
Local time
11:13 AM

I went to an Asian restaurant and had a tower of King Crab a few months ago.
It had to be one of the best dishes I have eaten in my life. I have attached an image of it. It tasted of garlic bits that were browned, ginger, fresh green onions..... and thats all I can recall at the moment.

I have 20Lbs of King Crab legs and would like to try and recreate this tower. Anyone possibly know what this dish is called and maybe have recipe.

Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 1.54.17 PM.png
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There is a restaurant in Toronto, Canada called: Fishman Lobster Clubhouse which specialises in Hong Kong style Chinese fare ..

Title of dish: They prepare a "Hong Kong Style Crab" or Lobster or Combo of the two .. It is arranged on a plate vertically placing the cracked crab legs in a "skyscraper" style art of plating presentation ..

Looks breaded and the crumbs are scattered on the plate ..

There is an article with large photographs of the dish and the restaurant @:

The Chef´s name is Papa Thach ..
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:eek: Not a "date night" restaurant. You need a mob to eat all of that food. I am a little confused. Are the shells cracked or removed prior to frying? Are the lobster and crab legs pre cooked? A very unique and inventive cooking method and a beautiful presentation.

I did check the site. DITTO on the price. That is why I said a mob meal rather than a dinner for two. NUTS!


I could have a lunch degustation by Alain Ducasse at the Three Michelin Jules Verne, in the Eiffel Tower for alot less !

Yes, I understood you loud and clear !!! I agree with you ...

Have a lovely holiday ..
I am a little confused. Are the shells cracked or removed prior to frying? Are the lobster and crab legs pre cooked?
It seems to me that they must have par-boiled the shellfish (enough to firm it up) then cracked them partly open (leaving the meat in part of the shell) before breading and frying it. But, @jimmyharts would know for sure.
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