Pet peeves that make you want to kick stupidity to the moon!!


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
6:24 PM
Brighton, MA.
Have any of you become so mad & frustrated over something that you thought was so outrageously stupid & unacceptable? So mad that to wanted to go through the phone & slap someone in the face?!!! That happened to me this Afternoon. I called this pension company because i was trying to get a new phone PIN & to let them know that my mobile # had changed. I ended up going back & forth with them, for what seemed like 2 hours on the phone, having to start all over with talking to this bloody automated crap & talking to a live person. I got hung up on multiple times over them supposing not being able to hear me!! It was just a living nightmare trying to get through to them!! I finally got a hold of someone, & I was fuming so badly that I was shouting!! I DID apologize to her for screaming, but that is just how mad I was. And that bloody automated answering service was no help either! I so HATE that!! So surprised that is still being put on phone lines!!! 😡
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Have any of you become so mad & frustrated over something that you thought was so outrageously stupid & unacceptable? So mad that to wanted to go through the phone & slap someone in the face?!!! That happened to me this Afternoon. I called this pension company because i was trying to get a new phone PIN & to let them know that my mobile # had changed. I ended up going back & forth with them, for what seemed like 2 hours on the phone, having to start all over with talking to this bloody automated crap & talking to a live person. I got hung up on multiple times over them supposing not being able to hear me!! It was just a living nightmare trying to get through to them!! I finally got a hold of someone, & I was fuming so badly that I was shouting!! I DID apologize to her for screaming, but that is just how mad I was. And that bloody automated answering service was no help either! I so HATE that!! So surprised that is still being put on phone lines!!! 😡

I hear you.. :(

Automated services are ridiculous at times, I too have lost my temper but when speaking to a person I start with, 'this isn't aimed at you as I know you are not responsible' this helps me to calm down and also I know it isn't their fault.
I hear you.. :(

Automated services are ridiculous at times, I too have lost my temper but when speaking to a person I start with, 'this isn't aimed at you as I know you are not responsible' this helps me to calm down and also I know it isn't their fault.
You're so right!! I DID calm down after apologizing to her, & it really wasn't her fault. It's the stupid antics involved in the way that their stupid system works. It honestly & truly could stand an overhaul!! Being constantly cut off & having to start all over again in addition to having to deal with that constantly aggravating automated service just doesn't work for me!! The mere fact that I was seemingly forced to go through all that crap for no apparent reason had pushed me to my breaking point with no relief in sight, it was so ridiculous & unfair!! All I was trying to do was to give them my new phone# & tell them that the phone PIN wasn't working anymore & that a new one is needed!! I will never go through that again. I'll just go there to see them in person next time. :mad:
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Just to give you an example of how it SHOULD'VE worked, I called another pension co. & had asked them to send out a letter of verification of how much I'm getting each month. They looked up my files & only put me on hold for once or twice. It was rather quick & painless & not a whole lot of crap. Bang, boom, done!! I was off the phone in about 30 minutes or less. :whistling: That's how it should've been with the other company!!! Instead, I was being jerked around to no end!! That is when I blew up & had to tell them that I was at my breaking point!! :mad:
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GP surgeries are going that way, really hard for some people of a certain age, my dad struggled so when I got through I sorted out their app on my phone so I could order his meds etc...with a click of a couple of buttons. Technology isn't always a good thing.
GP surgeries are going that way, really hard for some people of a certain age, my dad struggled so when I got through I sorted out their app on my phone so I could order his meds etc...with a click of a couple of buttons. Technology isn't always a good thing.

I was so mad yesterday that I started crying! No one should ever have to be put through that. I can only take so much, but I got absolutely zero tolerance for putting up with atrociously stupid things!! It is just totally uncalled for!! :mad:
GP surgeries are going that way, really hard for some people of a certain age, my dad struggled so when I got through I sorted out their app on my phone so I could order his meds etc...with a click of a couple of buttons. Technology isn't always a good thing.

Here, that would be a PCP office (Primary Care Physician). They are required by most health insurance plans. You go to the PCP first, and they refer you to a doctor who can actually treat what's wrong with you. :facepalm:Without that referral, the insurance company won't pay the bill.

Calling my PCP is pointless. I just get a voicemail box, and might get a call back in a few days. They have a "Patient Portal" that they want you to use, but I can't access it because I need a special code that nobody at the office seems to know.

Me: I need to enter a code.
Them: What code?
Me: I don't know... I was kinda' hoping you would know.
Them: Log into the Patient Portal. Maybe the code is there.
Me: I need the code to log into the Patient Portal.
Them: What code?

PCPs are the lowest paid doctors in the US. Therefore, if you look up their credentials, you will usually find they attended a Medical School you can't pronounce the name of, in some city in India that you've never heard of.

Had to call the secretary of my landlord about water problems in the cellar. After explaining everything in details she did try to give me the number of the plumber. After realizing what she just said I had to take two deep breaths and questioned her as polite as possible, if it's not her job to inform the plumber.

When you're working with guests, who'll never stop asking for special wishes, you seem to get sensitive about what you should do and what is too much, thanks to the guests I guess.

What keeps me from being aggressive, and I know it sounds like a wannabe Greta thunenberg, are all the suffering people (Ukraine, palestine etc.) who have a real reason to be angry... and I'm having a better day, when I calm down.
Had to call the secretary of my landlord about water problems in the cellar. After explaining everything in details she did try to give me the number of the plumber. After realizing what she just said I had to take two deep breaths and questioned her as polite as possible, if it's not her job to inform the plumber.

When you're working with guests, who'll never stop asking for special wishes, you seem to get sensitive about what you should do and what is too much, thanks to the guests I guess.

What keeps me from being aggressive, and I know it sounds like a wannabe Greta thunenberg, are all the suffering people (Ukraine, palestine etc.) who have a real reason to be angry... and I'm having a better day, when I calm down.

There is an advantage to calling the plumber yourself. You get to set the appointment time to a convenient time for you.

I'm either working in the restaurante for at least 8 hours or in the soup kitchen. the rest of my time is for sport, meditation and some vocal training. i pay rent for people watching my house
I was on another social media site talking about a restaurant in our area and what I ordered for dinner, even posted a picture ... this moron asks me what was in the photo ... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... as above mentioned blah blah blah you f----- idiot! GEEZ!!!
You just can't fix stupid, and Lord knows there's a boatload of them here in Cowboyville Arizona USA!
I hate those automatic answering systems. I mean, there are so many options, by the time I've heard the 14th, I've completely forgotten the first three...:o_o::o_o:
I hate those automatic answering systems. I mean, there are so many options, by the time I've heard the 14th, I've completely forgotten the first three...:o_o::o_o:
I don't even know why they even have them. It's a total waste of time dealing with that & it gets you nowhere at all, except to aggravate you to no end!!!! :ninja:
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