
29 Dec 2014
Local time
10:46 AM
Dallas, Texas
Yesterday, a friend gave us a large bag full of plums from his tree. They are delicious, but there are too many for us to eat before they go bad. I've given some to another friend, but what could I do with them, other than make a jam (I don't think there are enough for that)?
Cook them (which will get the stones out of them) and freeze them.
Simply wash the fruits and then put them in a pan (no need to cut up or anything like that, just put them in whole), count how many plums you put in. Now put the lid on the saucepan and over the lowest heat possible, leave the fruits for around 30 mins or so. If they need longer so be it, but poke them with a wooden spatula and you will see them soft and form a jam like liquid. If there are still harder parts, then put the lid back on and let them continue to cook. When done turn off the heat and leave to cool. Once it has cooled, find those stones. It is not hard with a spoon and as the 'saying' goes, "I counted them out and I counted them back in..." Now freeze the sauce in sensible sized portions and enjoy it with yoghurt or crumble, or in a tart or even jam at a later date. And consider yourself lucky. I love them. :D
Plum chutney is fantastic. I'll post some recipes if you're interested. You can make it really spicy or sweet according to taste.
Thank you all for the suggestions! I think I'm going to cook them today, then possibly make a crumble and then freeze the rest. I really appreciate all the advice!
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