Recipe Quinoa Chocolate Porridge 2


Senior Member
17 Jan 2021
Local time
3:37 PM
This seems to work. Reduce the tahina slightly and replace with butter. Still experimenting with the optionals. In this case I had 0.5 tsp of sumac.
How would the experts change things if they wanted a rich chocolate flavoured dessert which still has some nutritional value? I'd like to suggest a competition for a healthy chocolatey dessert.
The only thing that makes me uneasy is the truvia, but I don't want to have 32g (possibly more if truvia is stronger) of sugar in one sitting.

Quinoa Chocolate Porridge 2

(experiment with ingredients in red). Easier to get the ingredients listed in blue ready before starting. Put them in a bowl. Make sure there are no clumps eg if using brown sugar. Suggestion: Stir the powder to mix it all through then add tahina. Add vanilla extract at the end.

83 g white quinoa raw (1 500g packet divided into 6) or split with buckwheat
400 ml water
18g dark chocolate (6 squares Green and Blacks 85% - vary according to preferences)
3g butter
27g cacao powder
20g of sugar.
12g Truvia
10g smoked paprika
10g macaroot powder
0.25 tsp salt
Up to 1 tsp each of wattle, Engevita, coriander, sumac, ginger, mild chilli - optionals
15g Tahina
0.25 tsp Vanilla extract


Boil the quinoa until it’s bubbling vigorously then simmer the quinoa in water for 18 minutes
Add dark chocolate and butter and stir.
Once chocolate and butter have melted, switch off gas.
Let cool for 30-60 seconds.
Add remaining ingredients (listed in blue), tahina and vanilla extract
Stir vigorously. Ideally it will all combine together like dough.
Cover and leave for about 1 minute before serving, so vanilla extract can suffuse the rest.
Sounds good, I like the spices used.
To mix things up I would swap the spices with some dried cranberries from time to time.
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