Rude chefs and rude customers.

24 Mar 2023
Local time
8:28 PM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
This made me chuckle a little bit because it reminded me of a restaurant/cafe that was a mere five mins from my house where they were so rude and unpleasant it became a reason to go.
So is this just really good free publicity for this chef? I think it probably is.
Have you had any experiences of bad restauranteurs that were rude enough that it made you laugh and go back just to see if they are really truly that grumpy all the time?

Head chef at Britain’s best restaurant verbally abused me, diner claims
There was a Deli/restaurant in Chicago near the Time-Life building that put on a show of insulting customers. I can't remember the name. It wasn't really rudeness, it was an act but was fairly intense. Oddly it had lines out the door at lunch time. They served the best Reuben sandwich in the city. I could have done without the insults personally but I sure did like the sandwiches.
There was a Deli/restaurant in Chicago near the Time-Life building that put on a show of insulting customers. I can't remember the name. It wasn't really rudeness, it was an act but was fairly intense. Oddly it had lines out the door at lunch time. They served the best Reuben sandwich in the city. I could have done without the insults personally but I sure did like the sandwiches.
I think people like the relief of not having a fake smile pointed at them. Although that is an example of fake rudeness instead 😆

There's a saccharine quality to a lot of the service you get and it's refreshing for a person to be themselves even if like in the place down the road from me that translates into an attitude of I don't like you or my job so "what do you want?" which is literally what the unsmiling waitress would say when she finally huffed her way over. There was no obligation to smile or be nice back either so it was fine to reply "Some food" 😂
There was a Deli/restaurant in Chicago near the Time-Life building that put on a show of insulting customers. I can't remember the name. It wasn't really rudeness, it was an act but was fairly intense. Oddly it had lines out the door at lunch time. They served the best Reuben sandwich in the city. I could have done without the insults personally but I sure did like the sandwiches.

Dick's Last Resort?

They have one in Dallas, too. It is all in fun.


I think people like the relief of not having a fake smile pointed at them. Although that is an example of fake rudeness instead 😆

There's a saccharine quality to a lot of the service you get and it's refreshing for a person to be themselves even if like in the place down the road from me that translates into an attitude of I don't like you or my job so "what do you want?" which is literally what the unsmiling waitress would say when she finally huffed her way over. There was no obligation to smile or be nice back either so it was fine to reply "Some food" 😂

You have to go to Dick's Last Resort with the right state of mind.

First, you have to be able to laugh at yourself, or you WILL be offended. A good waiter will look at you, and know exactly what to say. If you are a natural smarta$$ like me, it is a lot of fun. A good waiter will quickly have a good comeback for everything you throw at them.

I know some people, in person and online, that I would NOT recommend go Dick's Last Resort. They be walking out the door in a huff in two minutes.

You have to go to Dick's Last Resort with the right state of mind.

First, you have to be able to laugh at yourself, or you WILL be offended. A good waiter will look at you, and know exactly what to say. If you are a natural smarta$$ like me, it is a lot of fun. A good waiter will quickly have a good comeback for everything you throw at them.

I know some people, in person and online, that I would NOT recommend go Dick's Last Resort. They be walking out the door in a huff in two minutes.

Sounds like fun.
When I went to Banksy’s Dismaland exhibition my dad saw the queue and said “Nope” drop me off somewhere else.

By the time I got back there was no queue which left the abusive people managing the crowd going in with no one else to insult apart from me and my two sons.

I found it hilarious but unfortunately my well behaved children were frightened to death 😂

I explained it’s part of the exhibition and they didn’t have to do as they were told just ignore them but they couldn’t handle it then.
Now it wouldn’t cause them any problems and they’d relish it but sometimes people like you say aren’t in the right headspace to enjoy a good argy-bargy.
There was a Deli/restaurant in Chicago near the Time-Life building that put on a show of insulting customers. I can't remember the name. It wasn't really rudeness, it was an act but was fairly intense. Oddly it had lines out the door at lunch time. They served the best Reuben sandwich in the city. I could have done without the insults personally but I sure did like the sandwiches.
I've been there. I think it was "Dick's..." something. My husband did not find it amusing. I thought it was quite fun.
He's good at minding his manners here but if given permission he'd blow them away lol!

I recently got introduced to a friend's d.i.l. my friend said this is gemma with a g. I said I'm Russell with an r. She said, that's funny. Lol
I would have a blast. I know I would

I was at a place a few years ago in a small town. I forget the name now, but their motto was "Where the customer is never right".
We were playing a hockey tournament and a bunch of us piled into this little mom and pop place. We were told basically to sit down and shut up, with a grin.......I remember one guy getting a plate of food placed in front of him and he said it wasn't what he ordered. The elderly lady asked "Are you going to make me carry that back to the kitchen? Can't you just eat it?" We all laughed and he ended up keeping it..
Fun memory..we won the tournament, if I do remember correctly..
Closest I came to a rude restaurant was a Chinese. Cheap joint but I had been before. I got the chicken satay. When I looked at it I said to the waiter that's not chicken ( thinking it was pork) he said I'll get the chef. He came out and looked at my plate, then picked up a piece of meat, looked at it again and said, its chicken and put it back on my plate. We walked out without paying.

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