Recipe Shirini Danmarki Recipe in Home_Best Persian Sweet

meals cook

Active Member
18 Sep 2023
Local time
6:21 PM


Shirini danmarki is one of the best and most used sweets in Iran. If you go to any wedding or funeral in Iran, they will bring you this sweet. A soft taste and mild sweetness combined with the smell of rose water and cardamom.



800 grams of white flour
1 glass of water
Yeast 2 tablespoons
100 grams of sugar
300 grams of butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup of liquid oil is equal to 60 grams



We mix the eggs with sugar and other ingredients except flour well
Then add flour until it does not stick to your hands, and the dough is light.

Step 2:

At this stage, first, sprinkle some flour on the work table and then spread the dough on the work table according to the picture. Add flour until a smooth and uniform dough is obtained, and knead well for a few minutes until the dough does not stick to the hands and is completely smooth and uniform.

Step 3:

The important thing that you should observe in baking the rose flower cake is that you must put the butter between two layers of plastic and then smooth it with a rolling pin.

Step 4:

Now we put the butter that we had placed between two pieces of plastic and smoothed it on half of the dough that we spread and put the other half of the dough on it.

Step 5:

At this stage, after the butter is well placed in the middle layer of the dough, we should put the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to rest.

Step 6:

After the dough has been in the freezer for 20 minutes, take the dough out of the freezer and use a rolling pin to open the dough several times and fold it again, roll it in the opposite direction of the rolling pin, and put it back in the refrigerator. We repeat this three times.

Ingredients for Shirini Danmarki cream​

1/2 liter of milk
1 tablespoon of vanilla
2 tablespoons of rose water
3 tablespoons of corn starch
100 grams of sugar

Step 1:

First, we mix all the ingredients together and put them on the flame.'

Step 2:

We have to keep stirring until the ingredients boil so that the ingredients don’t stick.

Step 3:

At this stage, when the ingredients boil, it takes a minute from the time of boiling until the ingredients reach a porridge-like consistency. When it reaches this concentration, we turn off the flame.

Step 4:

Now, we take the dough out of the refrigerator and smooth it with a rolling pin so that it is one centimeter thick.
Now flatten the dough with a knife and shape the dough into small squares of the same size or any shape you like and make it in the form of a Danish pastry. Then we pour some cream inside them and close them.

We cover the oven tray with oil paper and place the Danish pastries in it at a distance, cover the pastries, and wait 50 to 60 minutes to rest. Then we apply the coating we prepared on the pastry with a brush. Heat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then put the sweets in the oven for 30 minutes until they puff up and cook.
last word
Shirin Danmarki is one of the most authentic sweets that Iranian people buy or cook on various occasions.


Cooking requires ingredients that are usually available at home and available to everyone. Our suggestion is to definitely make it and enjoy the taste of cream, pastry, and saffron city together. If you are fond of baking sweets, you can make it as a pastry for Eid al-Fitr, Nowruz and other holidays and celebrations.


1. Why should the middle cream be allowed to cool?

When the middle cream is hot, it will loosen and it will fall out of the pastry during baking.

2. How does yeast work better?

It works better in a cloudy, warm, and dark environment.
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