Snow White's Poisoned Apple Cider


Senior Member
8 Nov 2018
Local time
10:35 AM
Los Angeles, CA

I found this recipe on a baking blog and just knew I had to try it! It's as magical as it sounds.

Recipe: Apples, Apple Cider, Rum, and Cinnamon sticks.

I added my own twist by coating the bottom of the hollowed apples with caramel (I added a pinch of salt to the caramel because I just love salted caramel). I poured the steaming spiked cider into the apples and enjoyed with a butter cookie, fuzzy socks, and Dickens.

Any magical recipes you've tried?
Awesome idea!

Hmm, add a fat straw carefully filled with 151 rum added to the filled drink would be "the poison".
Awesome idea!

Hmm, add a fat straw carefully filled with 151 rum added to the filled drink would be "the poison".
Thank you! It will be hard to stop after one apple, but if you're like me and don't eat fruit unless it's in a pie, this is a good way to motivate yourself to eat more vitamins :) This includes magical vitamins.
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