Sourdough Starter: Day 03


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
12:42 AM
SE Australia
Sourdough Starter: Day 03

Looking at my starter this morning, it's clear to me that it had used all of the available food to it and needs a refresh rather than a straight feed. So today I'll throw most of it away and put fresh flour and water in it.

I know this because my starter is very runny. It's got a slightly different colour to it and it isn't very bubbly.
  1. If your's still looks like yesterday's, just feed it again like yesterday.
  2. If it is as I describe, then do a refresh.
  3. If there's a bad odour, mold, black spots or growth of any other kind, you'll need to start again. (If it smells of flour, don't worry that's ok)
  4. If nothing had happened yet, or it's only got the odd bubble here and there consider keeping it warmer (or cooler, possible but unlikely) and don't do anything today.

50g flour (always assume organic and 50:50 mix wholemeal: rye)
50g spring/mineral water

1 or 2 sterile teaspoon(s)
1 sterile new jar (optional but it makes life much easier)

  • Slightly different today. I need to remove all but 1 teaspoon of starter and add it to the flour and water mix. So if you've got 2 of these kilner jars, life is easier. Simply weigh out the 50g of flour and 50g of spring or mineral water into the new sterile jar. Don't worry about mixing it in, you'll do that in a minute. Also don't fret over 49g of flour or 51g of water. It's a roughly thing. If you've gone over massively on water, just add more flour to get back to roughly the same consistency. Roughly 1:1 is all that matters (other than it fitting into the jar and not bubbling over onto whatever it's standing on).
  • Now transfer just 1 teaspoonful of starter from the old container into the new one using a clean sterile teaspoon. Mix well and return to wherever you were keeping it warm.

New starter
20190801_071242.jpg 20190801_071249.jpg

Old, reactivated starter
20190801_071348.jpg 20190801_071340.jpg

Edited to correct amusing typo and clarify instructions
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Sourdough Starter: Day 03

Looking at my starter this morning, it's clear to me that it had used all of the available food to it and needs a refresh rather than a straight feed. So today I'll throw most of it away and put fresh flour and water in it.

I know this because my starter is very runny. It's got a slightly different colour to it and it isn't very bubbly.
  1. If your's still looks like yesterday's, just feed it again like yesterday.
  2. If it is as I describe, then do a refresh.
  3. If there's a bad odour, mold, black spots or growth of any other kind, you'll need to start again. (If it smells of flour, don't worry that's ok)
  4. If nothing had happened yet, or it's only got the odd bubble here and there consider keeping it warmer (or cooler, possible but unlikely) and don't do anything today.

50g flour (always assume organic and 50:50 mix wholemeal: rye)
50g spring/mineral water

1 or 2 sterile teaspoon(s)
1 sterile new jar (optional but it makes life much easier)

  • Slightly different today. I need to remove all but 1 teaspoon of starter and add it to the flour and water mix. So if you've got 2 of these kilner jars, life is easier. Simply weigh out the 50g of flour and 50g of spring or mineral water into the new sterile jar. Don't worry about mixing it in, you'll do that in a minute. Also don't fret over 49g of flour or 51g of water. It's a roughly thing. If you've gone over massively on water, just add more flour to get back to roughly the same consistency. Roughly 1:1 is all that matters (other than it fitting into the jar and not bubbling over onto whatever it's standing on).
  • Now transfer just 1 teaspoonful of starter from the old container into the new one using a clean sterile teaspoon. Mix well and return to wherever you were keeping it warm.

New starter
View attachment 30197 View attachment 30196

Old, reactivated starter
View attachment 30199 View attachment 30198

Edited to correct amusing typo and clarify instructions

The best way i can describe mine at the moment is that it smells sour, but still has lots of bubbles and is fairly thick, i cant see any black.
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