Recipe Spicy Peanuts

5 Jun 2023
Local time
10:38 PM
Sri Lanka
Peanuts, those tiny little nuts that often find their way into our snack bowls, are not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. Originating from South America, peanuts have become a staple in many cuisines around the world.
Peanuts may be small in size, but their impact is significant. They offer a wealth of nutritional benefits, are incredibly versatile in cooking, and contribute to sustainable farming practices. Whether enjoyed as a snack, incorporated into meals, or savored as creamy peanut butter, peanuts bring flavor and nutrition to the table.

Here's a simple recipe for spicy peanuts using the ingredients below provided:

  • Peanuts (200g)
  • Red chili powder (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Vegetable oil (About 2 tsp)
  1. Heat a pan over medium heat and fry roast the peanuts for a few minutes until they become slightly golden. Stir continuously to prevent burning. Remove the peanuts from the pan and set them aside.​
  2. In the same pan, add a small amount of vegetable oil and heat it over low heat.​
  3. Add the roasted peanuts back into the pan and toss them to coat them evenly with the oil.​
  4. Sprinkle red chilli powder over the peanuts, starting with a small amount. You can adjust the amount based on your desired level of spiciness. Toss the peanuts to distribute the chilli powder evenly.​
  5. Add salt to taste and continue tossing the peanuts to ensure the seasoning is well-distributed.​
  6. Cook the peanuts for a few more minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally, until they are nicely coated with the spices and become crisp.​
  7. Once the peanuts are cooked to your desired level of crispiness, remove them from the heat and let them cool completely.​
  8. Once cooled, transfer the spicy peanuts to a bowl or an airtight container for storage.​

Adjust the amount of red chilli powder and salt according to your personal preference. Enjoy!​
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