Review Twinings Moroccan Mint Tea


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:32 AM
SE Australia
Humm... the notes about it say

morrocan mint.jpg

Mild and sweet green tea, with a rounding of spearmint and a touch of warming cardamom.

This tea’s inspired by the souks of Marrakech. Open-air markets that fill the air with the smell of herbs, flowers and tagines. Among the whizz of mopeds and flashes of colour from pashminas, babouches, dresses and plates, this tea is usually served from silver teapots into glass cups.

Disappointing were my thoughts. I'm not an expert and it wasn't served from a silver teapot into a glass cup. In fact no silver or glass was involved in its preparation or serving. Perhaps that is where I went wrong?

I could taste the spearmint and that was all. I hadn't appreciated it was a green tea. That was missing. I certainly could not taste or smell any cardamom, green or black. I'm guessing green but that's only from the green tea side of life.

A disappointing 4/10. I will finish the pack off, but not buy them again.

Back to my peppermint tea, I think.
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I've never managed to find a decent mint tea from a packet. I've had the real stuff in Marrakesh and there's nothing like it. Sitting in a cafe waiting for your tea is can smell it coming before the waiter comes into view. Fresh mint is, with apologies to Flann O'Brien, yer only man.
Fresh mint is, with apologies to Flann O'Brien, yer only man.
yep - but sadly at this time of year, it is not growing in my garden and I have already consumed my frozen fresh peppermint!
So my options are dried (shop bought but loose) peppermint/mint or tea bags and at the moment tea bags are winning because I'm off my feet again (temporarily).
I think it is the Twinnings brand in general that is the source of your disappointed. I have had a few different teas from this brand and was not impressed with any of them. Have you ever tried Tazo tea? That is my favorite brand.
I actually like their peppermint tea. And I have tried a few others that I have reviewed and not like as well. Yogi tea is another I really don't like so far. Pukka don't fair too well either!
I've not heard of tazo tea.
I actually like their peppermint tea. And I have tried a few others that I have reviewed and not like as well. Yogi tea is another I really don't like so far. Pukka don't fair too well either!
I've not heard of tazo tea.
I think Tazo works in partnership with Starbucks, or is owned by Starbucks. It is popular here in the US. I do not like Yogi tea either.
If I had seen this on a supermarket shelf I think I would have definitely given it a whirl -- I too love straight peppermint tea (so good as a digestive after a meal, I find!) and this would have caught my eye. Seems like sometimes sticking to the plain thing rather than the fancied up versions can be better!
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