Valentine’s Day 2024


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
6:24 PM
Ohio, US
Our Valentine’s Day plans are the usual - fondue; definitely cheese and probably chocolate as well. We’ll just go ahead and refer to it as Fat Wednesday. :wink:

Anyone else doing anything this year?
We don't bother because it's one of the very few celebratory occasions I feel is so commercialised I don't want a part of it.
We'll say happy valentine's day and that's about it.

However the valentines meal deal at morrisons is a corker saving a whopping £16

Consists of -
2 Smoked salmon verrines (layered smoked salmon with salmon mouse topped with king prawn),
rump steak with peppercorn butter,
triple cooked chips,
rainbow chantenay carrots with honey butter,
two raspberry pana cotta's
and a drink of your choice (prosecco 4 beers wine etc).

All for £15. Could all be utterly awful mind you but I thought it was worth £15 to find out 😂
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My husband used to be active for the communist party and while he's no longer a commie he's still anti capitalist so he's annoyed out of principle if I would get him something for the commercial nonsense that is Valentines 🙄

That also means if I want Valentines treats I have to buy myself some 😆
Easier to get the quality treats that way 😜
My husband used to be active for the communist party and while he's no longer a commie he's still anti capitalist so he's annoyed out of principle if I would get him something for the commercial nonsense that is Valentines 🙄

That also means if I want Valentines treats I have to buy myself some 😆
My dad is religiously opposed to Christmas, so once a year, sometime between, oh…the 20th and 27th of December, we send my folks a “just saw these and thought you might like them” box of treats.

We don’t mention it, they don’t mention it, and it works! :laugh:
My husband used to be active for the communist party and while he's no longer a commie he's still anti capitalist so he's annoyed out of principle if I would get him something for the commercial nonsense that is Valentines 🙄

That also means if I want Valentines treats I have to buy myself some 😆
A few years back Lu and I spent the Valentines evening at a one man show where the socialist comedian Mark Thomas recounted his walking holiday following the Israeli Wall around the West Bank.

Don't say I'm not a romantic.
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