What made you smile recently?

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23 Mar 2017
Local time
11:05 AM
I thought it would be nice to have a thread to share life's more upbeat moments/incidences/jokes (not related to cookery as such - we all know the shared photos here make us smile...if not positively drool!)

I am a great believer in trying to make a difference. Kindness is a growing movement. Do you know about this site...?
(Click on 'get inspired' at the top)

I heard this joke recently...

A boy asks his grandfather what the lines on this face are.

"They're laughter lines"

The boy paused and then replied "well....it must have been a REALLY funny joke then!"
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Once I was talking with some people, I had a big piece of rocket salad in the center of my teeth...and they laughed so much while we was talking and I thought "wow, I'm very funny tonight!" :okay:
Then a friend of mine said" run to the bathroom, you have a forest of rocket salad incastonated in your teeth!"
:oops::oops::oops:d'oh!!! Now I eat rocket salad only at home.
Humor did it for me. It goes back a few weeks ago on a Saturday night. After initially stewing over having slow internet speed, I went on Facebook and pulled a Leno by telling a joke saying that my connection is so slow, a snail could go faster. I was also trying to get others to not get so ticked off and be mad constantly. This ended the perpetual funk I was in for years.
Humor did it for me. It goes back a few weeks ago on a Saturday night. After initially stewing over having slow internet speed, I went on Facebook and pulled a Leno by telling a joke saying that my connection is so slow, a snail could go faster. I was also trying to get others to not get so ticked off and be mad constantly. This ended the perpetual funk I was in for years.
:okay: There is a lot to be said for humour putting things back into perspective (or perspex as I once used to erroneously say!) :facepalm:
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I've just had the best roast dinner in ages (at a gastro pub)! Wow! I have been searching for a good outlet for months. (Since I live alone, doing a roast dinner for one is not really practical). Many places that purport to do roast potatoes are not the real deal, i.e. just deep fried and easily spotted (being uniform in colour and crisp all over). Unlike the other venues I have tried, this place had to be booked - a sign of its popularity!

It was slightly more than the going rate i.e. £17 rather than around £10-£12 but well worth it! I had the roast sirloin of beef to which the accompaniments are yorkshire pudding, carrot and parsnip mash, cauliflower cheese,savoy, broccoli, peas, homemade proper bone gravy and goose-fat roast potatoes! I did a negotiating deal and exchanged the yorkshire pud, mash and cauliflower cheese for more roast potatoes, more green veg and more gravy! Truly superb - the beef not quite red but still very tender, the roast potatoes were many and excellent and the gravy was very rich - to die for!

I am a happy bunny!
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I know you are in London, but I'd say that was way above going rate! BTW - when did the practice of including cauliflower cheese creep into Sunday roast. I've come across this elsewhere.
Well, remember I am in London so there is a price hike for this area! I have compared it to lots of other places so I know what the local current rate for the average roast dinner is. I am happy to pay the mark up since the quality befits that price.

Yes I wonder if cauliflower cheese is an American addon? Whilst I like this as a side dish, cheese sauce and gravy are not good companions in my book.
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Yes I wonder if cauliflower cheese is an American addon? Whilst I like this as a side dish, cheese sauce and gravy are not good companions in my book.
I agree. I'm not sure it is American as Americans don't really do traditional Sunday roast with Yorkshires.
My recent favourite:

"Paddy, if you were marooned on a desert island, who would be your favoured companion?"

"My uncle Mick".

"Now why would that be, Paddy?"

"He's got a boat"
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