Review Yogi Tea Bedtime Rooibos Vanilla Herbal Tea


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
8:24 AM
SE Australia

I am trying to get through those free tea bags that get picked up from the counter at health food shops. You know the ones I mean, those free samples to try and get you to buy those really expensive packs of tea bags. Well getting through them is not going too well.

The latest is Yogi Tea Bedtime Rooibos Vanilla. That in itself is a mouthful. I'm normally pretty good when it comes to herbal teas, though I am one that leaves the bag in the mug until the tea is drunk. I am wondering if that is where I am going wrong. This particular bag is definitely vanilla in flavour which is nice. I am unsure on the rest of the ingredients though and it certainly won't have me purchasing it! In fact I don't think I would even pick it up again even if it was a free sample. Yep, it and I don't like each other. It is as simple as that. I don't like it.


The description is

Before we can sleep we need to quiet our mind and turn off the light in the ‘thoughts department’. The mind, which has been rushing around all day, comes to rest. Sweet rooibos and chamomile fold you gently in their arms and get you ready for bedtime. Sweet cocoa shells and vanilla sing you a lullaby while warming spices such as clove, ginger and black pepper tuck you in. The essence of this tea is: ‘Sweet Dreams’.

I think I can taste cloves as well as the vanilla. As for chamomile, should have read the ingredients first because I never have really liked it. I have no idea on even what Sweet Rooibos is. That is one I am going to have to look up. I am not even certain 1/10 is an option here. I am struggling to finish the almost cold cup of tea that I have. It is not too my tastes.

The ingredients are
"rooibos*, chamomile*, cocoa shells*, liquorice*, vanilla extract*, cinnamon*, cardamom*, lemon balm extract*, nutmeg*, rose petals*, ginger*, cloves*, black pepper* " * is certified organic.

Well I can detect vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and maybe nutmeg but not much else I'm afraid. Oh and rooibos is

Today rooibos, also known as red bush and belongs to the pulse family, is exclusively grown in the Cederberg mountains in South Africa. The plants grow up to two metres tall and are only harvested once a year. Rooibos tea is produced from its leaves, and is the mild, fruit and slightly sweet-tasting national drink of South Africa.

So at least I have learnt 2 things today. What Rooibos is and that I don't like this tea.

Do I have to actually give something 1/10? Is it the minimum points when reviewing something or can something actually have 0/10? Well I suppose I did almost finish the cup... so 1/10
TBH I'm not a huge fan of herbal tea but I do like vanilla spiced ones. However, I know I don't like Rooibos, so I don't think I'd like this one. I'm not sure what cocoa shells are but according to the blurb they can sing lullabies!:laugh:

The part of this review I enjoyed the most was that you probably wouldn't even pick it up again if it was a freebie. That makes me think it was naaaasty!

There's been teas like that before too that I've gotten samples for in the post (sign up with your email address type offers) and I too have just about spat them out. I usually stick to what I know and love!
The one thing I got from this review is a definite fact that you do not like this tea. It is not a flavor I would like very much either, there is something about the thought of vanilla tea that just does not sound right to me.
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