Best avocado tools?


Regular Member
30 Nov 2021
Local time
7:17 PM
Hi all,

I'm currently doing research on the best tools to dissect an avocado or any other way to enjoy them. What do you all recommend for a useful gadget or tool? And do you think it's worth it for its price?


What tool and what price? It takes me about 15 seconds to remove the pit and remove the flesh, so it better have a 4 cylinder motor attached. :D
The best tool is called a sharp knife.
Insert horizontally until you hit the pit.
Move the avocado around the knife and twist - one half off.
Whack the pit with the sharp knife - twist - out comes the pit.
Slice the avocado with the sharp knife and remove the skin.
Like Garlichead said - about 15 seconds.
I think the research might be limited!
There are three things that I would use on avocados, a chefs knife to cut them in half, a spoon to spoon out the pit and then spoon out the avocado from the skins and finally, a fork to mash up the avocado, if that's what I intend. Else, the chefs knife goes to use again to slice up the avocado. There's no need for some special tool.
I've seen them and rather like everyone else here my utensils drawer is full of things that never got used, so I simply don't buy them anymore. Would I fish out $20 (AUD) to buy one, no, sorry.



I have no need to worry if my avocado slices are not even. Hubby wouldn't notice and I'm not going to complain, no-one would listen. Plus it is not going to change the taste.

My general veg knife happily cuts round the avocado. Whack it into the pit and twist and the pit is removed cleanly (attached to the blade). If the avocado is ripe enough the skin will actually peel off easily, else a dessertspoon works just fine and the same knife I just used to cut the avo in half and remove the pit will work just fine for slicing the avo. I've no need to worry about making a fan or similar arrangement leaving 1 end connected.

Perhaps if I was cutting up 30 or 40 a day in a resturant, then maybe it might be handy for presentation but honestly I've no idea.

any other way to enjoy them

As for another way to enjoy them. I've a few
Recipe - Chilled Avocado and Coconut Soup

Recipe - Avocado Chocolate Chip Cookie Scones

Cooked Avocado?
ER docs have coined a new phrase, avocado hand. Apparently some people miss even with a long knife.
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ER docs have cokned a new phrase, avocado hand. Apparently some people miss even with a long knife.
I'm pretty certain they do with most knives, irrespective of what they are actually trying to cut. mind you there will always be someone with something that will prove someone wrong... isn't that why H&S exists?

I know I only have to look at my fingers to remember the number of times I've cut myself (usually with scissors or a pen knife ironically)
I'm pretty certain they do with most knives, irrespective of what they are actually trying to cut. mind you there will always be someone with something that will prove someone wrong... isn't that why H&S exists?

I know I only have to look at my fingers to remember the number of times I've cut myself (usually with scissors or a pen knife ironically)
I have burn scars. Lots of them. No knife scars thankfully.
I have burn scars. Lots of them. No knife scars thankfully.
Working in IT is a surprisingly hazzardous profession.

You to boss: Can I take the network down to remove the old cables from the (server) cabinet so I can get the new server in?
boss: <silence>
You: Ok... I get to do it the hard way. Will you watch please? I want a sets of eyes to ensure I'm safe cutting the old cables out of the live server rack.

(The hard way is trying to extract old defunct cables from the server rack (just think of films with lots & lots of flashing lights in a server room)... whilst trying to ensure that the entire network remains operational. We only had 25 servers at my last place, so just 2 racks but space was at a premium because every server has to be on a backup battery for the very regular power outages.. All the cables into the back of a server have to be fed through an arm, so that you can pull the server all the way forward without having to remove every single cable into back of it (2x power, 2 x network minimum, 1 x screen + special cable for remote BlOS screen control at start up).
So cable in question has to come out. It's a very old VGA cable that no-one has been able to remove. It is simply no longer possible for this big old chunky grappling hook to be left in place. No amount of tactful persuasion was working and you're against the clock as it is...
So out come the scissors, It was all I could lay my hands on in a school... and hindsight says it was probably for the best...)

I'm working on a very live network not impressed with things muttering under my breath... Big loop of cable holding it a very long way away from the server rack, both my boss and the headmaster watching... I've checked that everyone is happy I'm not anywhere hear anything I can cut except for the cable I want to cut... so it's a good 50cm away from the rack (It was a 10m cable) and snip....

...No-one myself included has spotted that my bent index finger was in the path of the scissors. I cut quite a bit of skin off it...

Hubby gets the usual phone call... can you collect her from A&E in ...
Working in IT is a surprisingly hazzardous profession.

You to boss: Can I take the network down to remove the old cables from the (server) cabinet so I can get the new server in?
boss: <silence>
You: Ok... I get to do it the hard way. Will you watch please? I want a sets of eyes to ensure I'm safe cutting the old cables out of the live server rack.

(The hard way is trying to extract old defunct cables from the server rack (just think of films with lots & lots of flashing lights in a server room)... whilst trying to ensure that the entire network remains operational. We only had 25 servers at my last place, so just 2 racks but space was at a premium because every server has to be on a backup battery for the very regular power outages.. All the cables into the back of a server have to be fed through an arm, so that you can pull the server all the way forward without having to remove every single cable into back of it (2x power, 2 x network minimum, 1 x screen + special cable for remote BlOS screen control at start up).
So cable in question has to come out. It's a very old VGA cable that no-one has been able to remove. It is simply no longer possible for this big old chunky grappling hook to be left in place. No amount of tactful persuasion was working and you're against the clock as it is...
So out come the scissors, It was all I could lay my hands on in a school... and hindsight says it was probably for the best...)

I'm working on a very live network not impressed with things muttering under my breath... Big loop of cable holding it a very long way away from the server rack, both my boss and the headmaster watching... I've checked that everyone is happy I'm not anywhere hear anything I can cut except for the cable I want to cut... so it's a good 50cm away from the rack (It was a 10m cable) and snip....

...No-one myself included has spotted that my bent index finger was in the path of the scissors. I cut quite a bit of skin off it...

Hubby gets the usual phone call... can you collect her from A&E in ...
I'll stick with software thank you very much.
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