Cooking for one?


14 Apr 2015
Local time
5:32 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
My husband has been working late every night this week, which means I'm alone for dinner. He usually just grabs something in his lunch break that will last him through to dinner (thanks, work fridges!) but that means I often don't cook, or have something like a can of soup (not the most nutritionally sound!)

What do you do if you're just cooking for yourself? Any tips, recipes, or advice? I've debated just making a normal batch of whatever I would be regularly making, but I guess I get lazy and just don't want to dirty all those pots and pans for just little old me! :laugh:
I love to cook and relish the experience from searching the ingredients down to plating the food. If you have that passion or interest then I think it would not be an issue for you to get lazy even if you are cooking just for yourself. I do understand that the experience would be much better if there is at least one person to eat what you have cooked.
If you go back and look at the post for meals in a mug or google it you may get some great ideas.
It is a good way to prepare a meal for one and you won't have many dirty dishes when you are done.
You gotta like that! A soup and a grilled cheese is always a nice little meal when you don't feel
much like cooking!
Because I am now hooked on scones and I seem to be alone there, I thought of baking one big one with a little flour I had left in the pack. Didn't go ahead but I like this whole idea of cooking for one when I prepare something and it's left because the others have eaten at work that day. Anyway, I went searching and found some things that look great.
I normally only cook for myself, but I find it even hard to do THAT, because I've always cooked like I'm cooking for a large crowd!! :eek: :headshake: :stop:
I never technically cook for one because I'll cook enough for 2 or 3 meals and east the same thing the next day or freeze a portion. I just deal with it that way.
I do the same thing. Even if I was alone I would cook a meal that would last me for a couple days. Either your husband could take the leftovers to work or you could eat them the next day. It is less days you would have to cook each week.
I normally only cook for myself, but I find it even hard to do THAT, because I've always cooked like I'm cooking for a large crowd!! :eek: :headshake: :stop:
There are three of us here and in the past I would cook a lot and always had something left for the next day or in case someone came by. These days I don't bother as it has resulted in too much wastage. I sometimes want to cook for one though, especially when it feels like everybody has a different need.
The only inhabitants in this house is my husband and me plus the housemaids. During those times when we have no housemaids, we never cook food anymore since cooking for 2 does not sound economical in terms of labor. We just order food for delivery or buy cooked food. We are fortunate to live in a village where food stores abound - Chinese, Japenese, native, epensive, cheap, whatever we may need there is always a store for that.
My husband was working in a far away place and goes home during weekends only. But even though I still cooked for myself because as much as possible I do not like to eat or buy ready made foods outside where they are loaded with sodium and sometimes are high in fats and cholesterol which are not healthy. That is why even I am alone I am cooking what is just right for me.
I usually just saute some vegetables and make fried rice from the rice last night. I don't eat a lot of meals but I do enjoy eating desserts so I always make room for a chocolate bar or two. :)
If you find it hard cooking for one person than try cooking a lot and eat it on other days of the week.
Every once in a while I get to cook for one. When everyone is gone for the day and I am home alone and there are no leftovers in the fridge I am forced to do that. To avoid the temptation to take away, I will cook my lunch at home. Usually this is something I only like.
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