Do you have a regular exercise routine?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
8:52 PM
How often do you exercise? Does this form part of your daily routine? There was a time when I did not have an exercise routine and I would do it spasmodically when I felt like it. These days, I do a little bit of exercise almost every day. It takes up only a small part of my day, but I see it as beneficial. I do not think it has to be a long drawn out thing.

Exercise is not only good for one's physical well-being, but is also good for maintaining good brain health too. So, it has a 2-fold purpose. While I believe in eating healthy foods, exercise also plays a part in how the body metabolizes the food that we eat.

So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself when it comes to exercise? I give myself a 7 out of 10.
I'm lucky I can do my commute on my bike so I ride on average 6 times a week average of 35 miles a day but some times quantity not quality ..
But around two hours of exercise a day so let's say a 8 out of ten
Honestly I've been pretty off the bandwagon lately. Before I had my baby all those months back I was exercising at least 3-4 times a week with proper specific exercise, and still walking every day too. These days though I'm really only walking. I have some workout DVD's that I do at home but I would say the last 2 months I've been super off the bandwagon with that. I need to get back into it though...
I love walking when I was still working but now that I am staying at home I did not have time to walk regularly. I find this to be the most convenient exercise as it costs nothing to walk except for a good pair of trainers. If I were to rate myself in terms of my exercise regiment I should be getting 1/10. I need to move about and do at least 30 minutes of walking to keep my circulation going.
Not as often as in the past or as often as I would like to. Time is always my biggest enemy. That said I manage two to three hours a week in the gym. Then an hour road cycling on Saturdays and two hours off road cycling on Sunday mornings with the neighbours. Call it an average of 4 to 6 hours a week. 6 out of 10 maybe?

I love walking when I was still working but now that I am staying at home I did not have time to walk regularly. I find this to be the most convenient exercise as it costs nothing to walk except for a good pair of trainers.

I too find walking to be the most convenient form of exercise, and I love to walk. It is better than staying indoors and doing other forms of exercises. It does not have to be brisk walking either. I can cover more ground if I am walking at a moderate pace. When I am out walking, I get to look around at the scenery while at the same time breathing in some lovely fresh air, as I like to walk near the beach. It is also an opportunity to butt up on some friends who may also be out doing the same thing.
I would give myself a 6. I try to take a daily walk but it doesn't always happen. It depends on the weather.
I use to be more active and I am trying to get back into it now that the cooler temps are here.
Until recently, I was running 3 times a week, 3-5 miles each time. It was great and I really enjoyed getting up when the sun came up to get my workout in and my energy for the day. Once school started up again, I can't run in the mornings and haven't had any time in the evenings after school. I need to get back in the routine because I miss it and I can feel the difference.
But around two hours of exercise a day so let's say a 8 out of ten
You are far too modest; that deserves at least 9.8/10.

I also ride to work. But it is less than 3km, so walking would be better exercise for me! So, when I get home I have to haul my pert little derriere back onto the bike for a decent ride. Sadly, I find this easier in the summer than winter; so I would score myself 5/10 in winter and 7.5/10 in summer.
Well, from what I can see from these posts, everyone seems to be doing some type of exercise, so exercise can take various forms. It is always good to be keeping active, whether it is walking, biking, swimming, running, or just working out at the gym. I believe that even something as simple as gardening, like pulling weeds, for instance, is a good form of exercise. This activity is also done outdoors, so the fresh air and sunlight would be an added bonus.
Well, from what I can see from these posts, everyone seems to be doing some type of exercise, so exercise can take various forms. It is always good to be keeping active, whether it is walking, biking, swimming, running, or just working out at the gym. I believe that even something as simple as gardening, like pulling weeds, for instance, is a good form of exercise. This activity is also done outdoors, so the fresh air and sunlight would be an added bonus.

Good point about gardening - I'm often outside, pulling weeds, raking, mowing and planting things and I forget that it could be classed as a workout too!
I work at home so I have a lot of time for myself to workout after my daily routines. In the afternoon I go out for a jog and then I lift weights, this all consumes 1 hour 6 times a week. I feel healthier and lighter these days so I'm pretty happy, I've also received some positive feedback so that really boosted my confidence.
Until my back went I was also doing a considerable amount of cycling everyday. I had a 2hr commute each way, three or four times a week, plus I was often gardening at the other end (usually 3-4 hrs). On the days I didn't have that commute, I had the college commute and was cycling 6 days a week between 2 and 8 hours. The Sunday cycle run was the 8 hours with my husband often covering +125km in less than 6 hrs cycling.

Life changed when my back went. Now I have a minimum of 2 here walking every day, plus my physio exercises. I often swap out 1 hour walking with 3-4 hrs cycling on a modified recumbent trike. I'm out everyday doing one thing or the other irrespective of the weather. It is the only way I am going to get back on my feet, literally and get my life back.
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