Kitchen Pictures and Posters


New Member
21 Oct 2023
Local time
6:18 PM
Smyrna, Delaware
If your kitchen was a classroom, what types of pictures or poster would you put on your wall?

Looking for posters similar to the conversion charts, cooking do's and don't, types of knives, and pictures of chefs.

My daughter has pictures of Joel Robuchon, Alain Ducasse, Auguste Escoffier, Julia Child, and Gordon Ramsay in her room.
Seasons calendar for fruit, herbs and veggies. How flavors affect each other. Cuts for beef and pork
We have a battery operated clock that loses about 5 minutes a day. That's all.
No wall space for that stuff in my kitchen. We do have some old tins and tea stuff up over the cabinets.

I wouldn’t really want any pictures of chefs, though I wouldn’t mind having one of Jacques Pepin’s paintings - they’re very vibrant!
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