Recipe Rye bread with Guinness & caraway

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
Recipe Challenge Judge
19 Apr 2015
Local time
11:18 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
This bread is delicious with a ripe Camembert and some chilli chutney. Its fairly easy to make and only needs to rise one. It will keep for up to a week.


300g rye flour
200g white bread flour
4 tsp caraway seeds
1 tbsp black treacle (molasses)
Guinness or other dark ale (at room temperature).
9g salt
7g Instant yeast

  1. Place the flours in a large mixing bowl and mix caraway seeds through. Add the salt and yeast (no need to mix in yet).
  2. Dissolve the black treacle in a small amount of hot water and add to the mixing bowl (no need to mix in yet)
  3. Slowly pour in a small amount of beer at a time whilst using either one hand or a large spoon to bring the mixture together.
  4. Once the mixture holds together, turn onto a lightly oiled surface and knead until smooth (about ten minutes).
  5. Shape into a ball or oblong and place either on a baking sheet (or as I did, in a banneton which creates the ridges).
  6. Set aside in a warm place loosely covered with cling film and wait until it doubles in size. In a warm kitchen this should take about two hours.
  7. Heat the oven to 180 deg C. and bake for 35 to 40 minutes. There is no need to reshape and prove the bread again before baking.
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